something is wrong

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Francis K pov 🖋
I got a call from John father Mr. Henry Laurens that John came back from his honeymoon with Alex early right there and then I knew something was wrong with John and I knew that Alex had something to do with it I just don't well understand what John sees in him so I take my motorcycle and I drive up to the schuyler house and I park my motorcycle and I make my way up to the house and I see Mr. Schuyler opening the door for me so I walked in...

Mr. Schuyler:☕"Francis it's good to see you"
Franics:🖋"were is John I want to know what's going on"
John:💚"Franics is that you?"
Franics:🖋"they are here?"
Mr. Schuyler:☕"they came back last week"
I make my way upstairs and I see Peggy next to Mrs. Schuyler and Angelica and Maria standing next to each other and then I see Alex who is by the window then I see Eliza in front of John who is on the couch...🖋🖋🖋🖋🖋🖋🖋🖋🖋

John:💚"it's good to see you Francis"
*says behind Eliza*
Franics:🖋* walks close*
Eliza:💙"that's far enough"
John:💚" Betsy it's okay"
Eliza:💙*moves but stays near John*
Franics:🖋*sits next to John and looks at him*"are you sure that you are okay?"
John:💚"I have never been better"
Franics:🖋"not going to lie you look pretty bad so what's going on with you?"
John:💚"Besty help me up" *moves the blanket an stands up with Eliza help and pulls his shirt down over the baby bump*
Franics:🖋*is in shock and goes to Alex but gets stopped by Angelica and Maria*
"You did this to him! I don't know what John sees in you he should have picked me over you I am a better man than you are and now look at what you have done to him are you happy now Alex!"

Alex:⭐*looks at him an stays were he is at an looks at Francis then to John then back to him*"you think that I wanted this no I didn't want this but it just happend okay we both know that guys can't get pregnant but we shouldn't be worried about that there is something else that you should worry about"

Franics:🖋"oh yeah what do I have to worry about than this?"
*I turn too see John other friends who are part of my pack we are like wolves but human an they look at me*

Hercules:🥀"you have to worred about Thomas and his gang because they will come after John and that baby we have to be ready for war if they decide to come here and try to hurt John and the baby" *I look at John who is back sitting down on the couch an Eliza is next to him along with Alex at his side*

Lafayette:🥖"Herc is right we have to prepare ourselves before they come at us all of us have to work together to protect John and that little baby"
*I look at John he dosen't look too good*

Franics:🖋"they are not going to touch him they are not we are staying here to protect John we will take turns night watching this house to protect John"

I'm doing this for John not for Alex and everyone else even if it means I have to kill the baby and I walked out of the room an outside with Alex because he wanted to talk with me about something

Alex:⭐"I want you to talk to John about this okay because he will listen to you your his best friend he will listen to you"

Fraincs:🖋"you want me to talk to him about the baby to see if it's the right thing to do?"

Alex:⭐" yeah and if he dies then you get to do what you have always wanted to kill me"

Franics:*I laughed an I looked at him*
"Alright I will talk to him"
I walk back inside an I walked over to John an sit next to him as he is drinking a cherry slushies an I looked at him..

John:💚"Alex send you in here to talk me did he I told him not to worry about it my baby she is fine" *drinks the slushie an looks at Francis*

Franics:🖋"so it's a bouncing baby girl I should have know I would I brought balloons"* I looked at him he look so bad*

John:💚"I don't know if it's a boy or a girl but I picture a beautiful baby girl"

Franics:🖋"are you sure that you want to do this john to have this baby?"

John:💚"of course I do me and Alex created this little buddle of joy why would I want to get rid of it why?"

Franics:🖋"it's killing you from the inside out of this baby kills you I'm killing Alex!"
I leave the room hearing John crying an Eliza pushes passed me an she goes in an hugs him telling him that everything is going to be okay

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