The Baby is coming

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John pov 💚🐢
I was drinking my slushie an Eliza and Peggy were helping me walk then my slushie fell out of my hands an it hit the floor spilling everywhere and I gasps in pain an I slowly fall to the floor and I felt Alex run an catches me before I hit my head on the floor💚💚💚💚💚💚
Alex:⭐"JOHN!" *I run to him an I catch him before he hit the floor*

Peggy:💛"we have to get him to the doctors room now! I'm calling my father!"

Eliza:💙"come on Alex"

Franics:🖋* I saw John fall to the ground an Alex catches him this baby is coming now* 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
No one pov
Alex carrying John into the doctors room an he puts him on the bed an they are going to have to a c-section on him

John:💚* screaming in pain an I was looking around the room*

Peggy:💛"my dad said that he is coming as fast as he can he said the placenta must have detached"

Eliza:💙* I grabed a knife* "we have to do it"

Alex:⭐"Eliza are you sure?"

Eliza:💙"she is suffocating in there"

John:💚"Get Her Out Now!"

Eliza:💙* I put the knife to the baby bump*

John:💚*I closed my eyes and I scream then I opend my eyes*

Alex:⭐"Eliza no Peggy get her out of here"

John:💚"Eliza" *I look at her as Peggy takes her out of the room*

Franics:🖋"just keep your heart beating John" *I look at him*

Alex:⭐*I take the knife an I cut the baby bump then I move my head down*

John:💚*I screamed very loud an I am trying to keep my eyes open but I couldn't and I look and I see Alex*

Alex:⭐*I came up an I had John blood on my face an I am helping the baby come out an I smiled as I pulled out my son* "it's Philip"

John:💚"beautiful" *Alex puts Philip on me and I smiled at him and he bite me he has little teeth*"mmm!"


Alex:⭐*I take Philip and I tried to calm him down*

John:💚*smiles an moves head an breaths his last breath*

Franics:🖋"JOHN!" *I start doing cpr on him*


Eliza:💙"Alex I will take him I'm okay now" * I take Philip who is wrapped in a blue blanket an I leave the room*

Alex:⭐*takes a needle an puts it John chest*

Franics:🖋"what's that ?"

Alex:⭐"it's like venom but it's not it's going to freez John in time"

Franics:🖋* I left the room I started crying*

Alex:⭐"your not dead your not dead"
*I started biting his arms and legs*

Franics:🖋* I walked outside and I dropped to the floor and I started crying*
Lafayette:🥖"he didn't make it ?"

Hercules:🥀*looks down*

Lee:🔥*I smirked an I left an I went to tell Thomas*
Thomas:*I see Lee coming while I was talking to Alex real father James Hamilton who is also immortal*

Lee:🔥*I whispered in Thomas*

Thomas:💜"it killed John"

James:☕*I was shocked the my grandson kill his dad*

Maria:❤*me and Angelica we cleaned all the bite marks on his arms and legs and we decided to put him in one of Eliza outs shorts and a tubtop that were black and blue*

Angelica:💓*I brushed John hair an I put it into a ponytail*

Peggy:💛*all of us were waiting for John to wake up*

Eliza:💙*I was holding Philip and I looked at Maria*

Franics:🖋*I looked over at them*

Mr. Schuyler:☕* I had my hand on my wife shoulder as we were waiting*

Alex⭐:*I looked at him*

John:💚*is slowly turing into a inmortal*
[Inside of John body slowly healing it's self an his chest attched each other an John jolts up an all of it heals it's self]
(His bite go away and he is all heald)

John:💚*opens his eyes that are dark green*

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