Bath Time

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John pov🐢💚
I was sitting down in the bathroom in a bathrobe while Eliza was running the water in the bathtub an she was making sure that it's warm for me and I get up slowly an I walk an I look into the mirror an takes my bathrobe off well half off I am still  my body type but I'm started to lose some weight an I look in the mirror and I see my husband Alex an I picked up my bathrobe an I sit back down an Eliza closed the bathroom door an she helps me get into the bathtub an the water is warm and Eliza washes my hair for me an my hair is now short because Eliza cut it for me she has been a good friend to me by helping me a lot with his baby an what Francis said to me that if I die he is going to kill my husband I just don't understand why he would do something like that but I am glad that Francis decided to come and help Alex and everyone out but he told me that he is only doing this for me and no one else him,Laf and Herc are outside watching the house because we don't know when Thomas and his gang are going to come for us why would they come after me and my baby I just don't understand why though I didn't do anything wrong to them Thomas never liked Alex so that's probably they are coming after us to hurt me and my baby but I know that Alex and everyone here will protect us.

Eliza:💙"how are you feeling John?"
*I wash all the soap out of his hair*

John:💚I feel fine but I need stop thinking what Francis told me I should start thing about my baby and thank you so much Eliza for helping me you are a really good friend to me and my baby" *I look down at my baby bump and I smiles because I know that me and Alex created this life together*

Eliza:💙"John you are a very good friend to us so it's the lest that I could do for you to help you and the baby we are almost done here and I can help you get changed into your clothes alright"
*I finished up what I am doing*
After my bath Eliza helps me out and I am dry off and she helps me puts on my clothes to be honset it sucks not to be able to wear my boxers anymore well until after the baby is born but I have to wear girls underwear because it's not to bad for the baby I am wear gray legs I got some warm gray socks on and dark blue button up shirt and Eliza brushes my hair and she helps me out of the bathroom and she helps me to the living room and I sit down on the couch and I grab my blueberry flavored slushie and I start drinking it when I get a phone call from my mother I haven't talk to her in a long time so I picked up...
John:🐢"hello mama!"
{On the phone with Eleanor}
Eleanor:🥀"oh hello John sweetie how are you feeling love me and your father are very worried about you son"
John:🐢"I'm still not feeling too good but Mr. Schuyler said that I should start feeling better soon oh mom how would you like to me and grandmother?"

Eleanor:🥀"I hope you get better my sweetheart and I would love to be a grandmother are you an Alex thinking about adopting a baby? because if you are I will be so happy if you are"

John:🐢"we are thinking about it mom we are going to the adoption place after I feel better and then I will come see you and dad an we can have a big party if you want to mama"

Eleanor:🥀"oh this so excited new sweetheart I know if you don't know if you are going to adopt a boy or girl but I am going to call your father so we can start on the nursery here it will be Winnie the pooh themed you get better alright sweetie I will talk to you later bye my sweet boy remember I love you"

John:🐢"I will get better mama I love you too bye"
After I hang up the phone I start to cry and I hear Alex coming into the room

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