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Alex pov ⭐🖋
Me and John got married one week ago and we are on our honeymoon right now we are at a beach house that the schuyler sisters let us use for our honeymoon right now the love my life is sleeping right next to me on the bed just looking at him he is so beautiful and well we have been talking about adopting kids or having one of the schuyler sisters carry it for us but we decided to talk more about it and well tonight is a very special night there is a difference between sex and love making we have been having sex ever since we got here but tonight I am going to show John how much he means to me............
John:💚*turns around and opens his eyes and looks at Alex and smiles at him and has a little bit of pink on his face*
"Good morning my very handsome husband of mine how did you sleep?"

Alex:⭐"good morning my beautiful husband of mine and I slept pretty good last night and are you ready for tonight?" *looks at John with a smile*

John:💚"I'm ready for tonight Alex but right now we have to get up and make breakfast and today you promise me that we go look for some sea shells and hopefully see some baby sea turtles"

*gets up from the bed an stretches and grabs his clean clothes and goes to the bathroom and puts his clothes down on the counter and turns on the water of the shower and takes his clothes off and takes off his wedding ring and put it on the counter an steps into the shower and starts showering and singing to himself*

Alex:⭐*gets up from the bed and stretches and grabs his clean clothes and starts changing out of his pjs into his clean clothes and puts his hair into a ponytail and he walks downstairs and starts making breakfast for him and john*

John:💚*is done and out of the shower and is dry off and has his clean clothes on and brushes his hair into a ponytail and walks downstairs and into the kitchen/dining room were he sees breakfast on the table and warm tea ready on the table for him so he sits down an drinks some of his warm tea*
"You made me pancakes and tea with honey in it oh Alex you know me so well thank you so much babe I love it"

Alex🦁:*sits down after he finished cooking pancakes for himself and cafe con leche^coffe with milk^ for himself*
"well this is a normal thing that a newly married couple should do you know for each other in the mornings after we are done we can go look for some sea shells togther alright" ...........................................
After we ate breakfast that morning we went to the beach like I promise him and he found a few sea shells that he is collecting and he found a sand dollar so John took it and we saw some baby sea turtles and we head back to the house an John was so excited about tonight I wouldn't blame him at all and I love him so much and when we got back to the house John ran upstairs to get ready for tonight we spend the whole day down at the beach so it was already nighttime and I made my way upstairs to get everything ready for this special night and John is in the bathroom again

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