It's all about time

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John pov💚🐢
It's all about time we are all waiting for my baby everyone is practicing fighting
I am sitting down on a chair looking out the window as my husband and his friends prepare to the war that is yet to come I am with Mrs. Schuyler we are drinking tea with honey an I am eating fruit while watching my husband I blushed when he took off his shirt he is really buff and then I see Franics who is trying to get me looking at him by taking his shirt off because he wasn't going to let Alex get all my attention but too bad Alex is getting all my attention he is my husband an Franics, Lafayette and Hercules are teaching Alex and everyone how to fight because they know how Thomas and his gang fight because they used to be apart of that gang so they know it's good that they are practicing fighting it's just a matter of time until my baby comes my baby is a timer I feel like my baby will be coming soon because I want to eat normal again and not certain things but for now until this baby is born I will have to eat what the baby wants to eat I don't mind it because it will be worth it in the end I will have mine and Alex baby soon and I'm so excited for this baby to be here I drink my tea as I watch my husband and Franics fight it was just practice until it got real that Francis was beating up Alex and Laf and Herc had to pull Francis off I was shock when Francis attacked Alex I knew that was going to happen then I see Angelica yelling at Francis that Alex is not the bad guy that Thomas and his gang is and how do I know that half of the window was half open I was really worried about my husband because he got hurt by my bestfriend I heard my husband coming in the house 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
Alex:⭐"John don't get up babe"
* I walk over to him an I lean in an give him a kisses an I pulled away an I give a small smile*

John:💚"babe are you okay I saw what has happened are you sure that you that alright?" *I looked at him because I was really worried about him*

Alex:⭐"yeah I'm alright babe an he doesn't hit too hard unlike Maria and the Schuyler sister's they hit really hard and when you freez in time when you become immortal you will be stronger than me" *I put my hand on his cheek*

Franics:🖋*I walk into the house and I see Alex and John together it makes me sick knowing that my bestfriend is not going to be human anymore I wish that I could tell Mr. and Mrs Laurens but I can't betray John I just can't because I love him so much*
Alex:⭐"what about baby names"
John:💚" well Frances Eleanor for a girl and Philip John for a boy"
Alex:⭐"alright love"
It's just matter of time

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