He is Awake

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John pov 💚
I slowly sit up an I look around the room adjusting my new vision an I can see things more clear and close up more then I see my husband he looks blurry then my vision cleared up and I saw him clearly I moved my hand up and I looked at it an I get up an I walk to him
Alex:⭐"beautiful we can be together forever" *I put my hand on his face*

John:💚*I nuzzled his hand and I look up at him with my dark green eyes*

Alex:⭐*I look at him and I smile and I follow him to the mirror*

John:💚*I look at myself an I smiled then I turned around and I look at Alex*
"I love you so much" *I lean in to kiss him*

Alex:⭐"I love you so much too"
*I kisses him back and I pulled away*

John:💚*I smiled an I moved fast an I hugs him*

Alex:⭐*grunts* "hey John you are a lot stronger than me right now"

John:💚*I let him go* "where's Philip I have to see him"

Alex:⭐"hey babe you need to get your thirst and hungry control"

John:💚*I put my hand on my throat*

Alex:⭐*I give him a slushie*

John:💚*I take it an I drink it but then I stop an I put it down an I run outside*

Alex:⭐"JOHN" *I run after him*

John:💚* I run an I looked around with forest with my new vision then I stop as I see my husband an I huged him*

Alex:⭐"careful were are you going?"
*I picked him up an I run back to the house* 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
We get back an I change clothes and I am going to see Philip an I am so excited to finally to see my son mine and Alex baby boy that we created 💚💚🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢

Peggy:💛"you look amazing John"

Mr. Schuyler:"some is excited to me you"

John:💚*I walks over to Eliza*

Alex:⭐" Betsy"

Eliza:💙*I turned around with Philip an I give him to John*

John:💚*I smile as I hold him*

Philip:🐢*smiles an I put my hand on my mama face an makes a baby nosies as I show him my first memory of him an I take my hand off his face an I smile at him*

John:💚"what was that?"

Alex:⭐"he showed you his first memory that he has of you"

John:💚"show me how?"

Alex:⭐"well if I am strong an I can read peoples minds an Peggy can see the past ,present and the future he has a gift'

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