“ no don't do it,” I said looking at Damon. Who was sitting on the chair while I sat on the tabletop
“ it's ok, she wouldn't mind,” he said liking a girl's picture on his Instagram feed.
“ Nice knowing you I'll meet you on the other side,” I said eating my ice cream.
“you're just being dramatic Crystal won't mind wait I'll show you,” he said I just shrugged my shoulder signaling him to do what he likes.
“ crystal honey, get out here!. Crystal babe,” he said shouting his guts out making me close my ears in impact. It was my first time seeing someone so excited to call his death.
She walked out towel drying her hair. “ yeah....is there a cockroach here again, should I shoo it away hon ?” she asked looking around searching for the cockroach making me chuckle.
“ no, no there isn't any cockroach,” Damon said pulling her towards the chair making her sit. Taking her towel away.
“ then what is it? ” she asked crossing her legs.
“I was telling Alicia that you don't have a problem with me liking other girls' photos and she wasn't believing me tell her ” he looked at her smiling, his smile fading away looking at Crystal's stern expression.
“Which girl?” she asked with a cold tone.
“ That girl we met at the supermarket, she said she liked the way you play the violin. She sent me a request I accepted it turns out she is a model ” he said laughing lightly trying to lighten the tense atmosphere. “ so for humanity's sake I huh. Liked her picture” he said stuttering. Crystal looked like a ticking time bomb ready to burst any moment.
“ so you're telling me you accepted a strangers request, who said she likes the way I play the violin but sent you a request, who thought you were cute, and by the way, I forgot the plus point she is a model, and you telling me not to be affected,” she asked with squinted eyes.
“ told you,” I said licking my spoon filled with chocolate chip ice cream.
“ But I thought you are different ” Damon whined like a baby.
“ what made you think that? Huh. When Alicia knew about it, I am pretty sure I did not tell or make anyone feel that I would be okay with it” she said standing up.
“ but it's not a big deal? Right ?” he asked fear evident in his voice making me chuckle. Poor Damon.
“ you don't even know me, what are you crazy? That means you don't even love me,” she said anger evident in her voice.
“ How can you say that? I love you a lot. You're being ridiculous! ” Damon deadpanned
“ I am being ridiculous me? Me ” she said being all dramatic typical crystal. I knew that is why I warned him but no one wants to listen to me.
“ It is just a freaking like and the thing is I don't even know her,” he said holding her hand“ oh yeah,” she said turning back sitting on the chair.
“ I should have listened to my dad, doctors are cheaters, who play with minds, and are way smarter than you,” she said scoffing.
“ thank you Mr. D’costa I know I am smart,” he said smirking bowing down, realizing what she said “ hey,” he said defensively standing up straight.
Suddenly, the door was wide open making us all look in the direction Lexi walked in stomping her feet.
“ I am calling off the wedding,” she said her nose flaring in anger. I was quite far from her but I could still feel the anger radiating from her. We were shocked would be the smallest word to express the state we were in.

Man in Black
RomanceHe would do anything to have her, love her, and protect her. For her, he could get on his knees while he had the world at his feet. For her, he lived a dual life one which he loved her the other whom the world feared. To her, he was her teddy bear. ...