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They are scary, they are numbing, and they are real. So would you stay? If I told you about my past, my, and my darkness, would you do it? Would you love me anyway? Would you stay?

A slight noise of fear escaped my lips as I back away from the bloody carnage that was happening before me, watching as the demons slaughter the people of my village.

The flames, hissing, and spitting in pale yellow shades, flickered wildly on my home. The heat, appearing to disrespect normal laws of nature, crushed down on the ground, as well as the thick, acrid smoke. In the distance, one of the huts crumbled, toppling over as the walls gave way. Even from here, my vantage point a safe distance away, I can hear the cries of panicked lovers, siblings, family members, scrambling wildly around the village to find their loved ones. The flames suddenly flare-up in a harsh shade of white, uselessly reaching up to try and tear down the clouds before falling back down in a broken series of small snaps and cracklings. The wind suddenly flared up, carrying some short bursts of fire from rooftop to rooftop, killing others. In the village center, I can see someone, running around beating at his hair with his hands; one of the nearby flames had reached out and licked his head. 

"Help me!"

A woman shouted as she tried to crawl away from the demon only to have her neck met with their fangs.

I could see their fangs clearly as they started growing longer and sharper. The demon overcome by blood lust then grins sadistically at the human beneath them before dropping down on her neck sinking their lips upon her neck impaling their fangs into her and draining the life from her.

"Did you grab it Y/N!?!"

I turned around and looked at my mom and nodded my head.

"Good! Let's go!" my mother yelled as she yanked me and pulled me into the forest and ran, "Honey!"

"Let's go," my father mentioned as he rushed to carry me up and ran with my mother beside them. The air is thick and the humidity nearly choked me as I ran as hard as I could.

My parents were both out of breath but were fit. All I could do was look back at the flames ablaze of my village and the destruction that was taking place and the plumes of smoke, a thin, gray spiral rising from each burn house.

If it wasn't the demons, eating to their fill, then it was the embers as it hungrily flickered as it ate through the wood and flesh.

So and so helplessly watched as the embers began to spread, petrified, the fire swallowing the whole village, there, the flames began to gnaw on wood and flesh alike, like one great furnace.

Suddenly, a sharp blade was thrown at fast speed and lodge itself into my mother's throat. I was stunned at the impact as her body fell down. Her blood came thick and strong, flowing through her neck as it clasped the ripped flesh.

My tears came as if my pain had at last condensed into a deluge of rain. I couldn't do anything but just watch her body drop and fall. My father grips on me tightly as he ran, changing his path to prevent what happened to my mom, to happen to him.


In echo to the song of the sky, the river sings soulful blues.

My father had run to the river that had been a time of joyful memories and now our only way blocking us from freedom from these creatures that had inhabited our world.

My father took three steps in and his body plunged in, from his shoulder down.

"Hold on tight," he stated as he began to walk through the rough currents of the water. This was slowing us down tremendously to get away from the threat but glancing at my father, I could see how determined he was to get us away from the demons.

But it was inevitable.

"Look at the weak humans trying to escape, let's strike them where they are,"

Soon their knives began being thrown. More and more demons swarmed and began to join the assault. As each one of their weapons was thrown, my father was getting slashed one by one by them. Blood began to trickle from his wounds and taint the water below.

His grip on me loosen as he still strived to pull me across the river. But given the wounds on him, he wasn't going to make it without medical attention.

"Papa," I mumbled.

"We need to keep-AHEK!" he tried to utter until another blade lodge itself into his back.

"Aim for the brat," one of the demons mentioned as he raised his hand and aimed his weapon at me. My eyes widen in shock as his weapon was coming straight for my head until my body was forcefully pulled into the waters below. I began to fight the hands that were forcing me to go underneath the water as I looked up to see my father looking at me in disarray.

I began screaming and thrashing as his grip on keeping down in the water didn't hold up, regardless of the assault taking place on him.

The icy water shocked my system as my father plunged me beneath the surface of the river. My heart races and my chest tightens as the cold fist of understanding squeezes the breath out of me. This was the only way my father could protect me. The lit surface above were the danger and as a parent he was doing what was best.

My little hands desperately reaching up towards him, my legs kicked as I tried to swim upwards to gasp for air but that look in my father's eyes told me everything. My chest is on fire. I need to breathe. But my attempts to fighting against him were futile.

"Where did that brat go? She should have come up for air by now?" I heard the muffled sounds of the demons who attacked us.

"She probably went with the current," another demon answered.

"Damn! I could have had a nice treat after the meal," the demon mentioned.

"Let's report to him that we didn't find it."

Soon their voices fainted from the muffles of the water as I fought through my father's grip and came up for air. I opened my eyes and looked around to see no one around and the crack of dawn.

"Y/N, please...you have to survive," my father mumbled.

Icy Flames- Rengoku Kyojuro-Demon Slayer/ Kimetsu no YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now