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The market was alive with an array of sights and sounds. The air was thick with the aroma of sizzling meats, simmering broths, and freshly harvested vegetables. My eyes darted from stall to stall, taking in the colorful displays of ingredients that would soon become part of our Sukiyaki feast.

"Irasshaimase!" Their voices blended in a symphony that echoed through the lively marketplace.

"Daisuke!" the owner yelled and soon shifted his attention towards Kyojuro and me, "Kurokami and you brought the owl!"

A delicate warmth unfurled across my cheeks, a gradual and undeniable bloom that announced the arrival of an emotion too potent to conceal. It was as if an unseen artist had brushed a palette of rosy hues onto my skin, creating an intimate canvas of vulnerability for the world to witness.

The resonant sound of Kyojuro Rengoku's laughter filled the air, a robust and contagious melody that echoed with unrestrained joy. As I observed him, his laughter was like the crackling flames of a warm fire, enveloping everything in its vicinity with a vibrant energy.

His eyes ignited with mirth, and sparkled like stars dancing in the night sky. The corners of his mouth curved upward, revealing a genuine and infectious smile that seemed to light up his entire face. The laughter was not just a sound but a visceral expression, reverberating with warmth and camaraderie.

"Hello there," Rengoku greeted with a respectful bow. "I am Kyojuro Rengoku, Flame Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps."

The shop owner blinked, their hands momentarily freezing in midair. The revelation settled in slowly, and a hushed gasp escaped their lips. The ordinary shop, known for its simplicity, now harbored the owl – a Hashira, one of the elite warriors renowned for their prowess in combating demons.

Wide-eyed, the shop owner stammered, "Hashira? Here?"

Kyojuro's smile persisted, his eyes radiating both humility and strength. "Indeed."

Soon the Shop owner bows continuously causing Rengoku to laugh even more as many individual around gasped and began gossiping to others on Kyojuro's status being the equivalence of mine.

The shop owner, still recovering from the shock, managed a nervous chuckle. "I... I didn't expect another Hashira to visit own town let alone this stall. What brings you here?"

"We need ingredients," I interrupted, "Sliced beef for Sukiyaki and some Beef Offal if you have any."

"A-Ah of course Kurokami," the owner mentioned as he went to get the pieces.

"Daisuke," I called.

"Yes, Y/N-sama."

"Can you get the rest of the meats and vegetables on this half of the list and I will get the other half with Kyojuro," I mentioned while tearing the sheet in half and giving it to Daisuke as he eagerly shook his head, "And here is some money, if you have any leftover, keep it for yourself."

I carefully retrieved the sizable money pouch from my bag, its weight in my hand a tangible reminder of the contents within. The pouch, adorned with intricate patterns and secured tightly, held a substantial sum destined for a specific purpose.

"B-But Y/N-sama..." Daisuke mentioned eyes widened slightly at the sight of the generous pouch, and I could sense a mix of gratitude and surprise in his gaze. As I pressed the pouch into his hands, the weight of responsibility seemed to transfer along with it., "I will have a lot left over."

"Guess you will have a lot to keep for yourself,"I instructed, my golden eyes holding an implicit expectation.

"Yes, Y/N sama," Daisuke mentioned while bowing respectfully.

I soon diverted my attention to another stall, where vibrant greenery beckoned.

Approaching a stall adorned with fresh produce, I surveyed the array of vegetables. My gaze settled on bundles of crisp spinach leaves and verdant Chinese cabbage. My demeanor remained composed, yet an observant eye could discern a discernible focus in my movements. Baskets were overflowing with crisp greens—spinach leaves and Chinese cabbage waiting to be added to our culinary masterpiece. Nearby were neatly arranged stacks of tofu blocks glistening under soft sunlight streaming through gaps between awnings above.

As we selected plump shiitake mushrooms and fragrant leeks together, time seemed to slow down momentarily; everything else faded away into the background as we focused on the task at hand.

"Y/N," he squeezed my hand slightly, "I wish to talk with you, and I'm sure you know what it entails as of now." I gulped.

I didn't even notice Kyojuro's hand, strong and warm, encased mine in a silent gesture of assurance. Perhaps it was a response to the crowded thoroughfare or an unspoken instinct to provide comfort amid the lively chaos. Yet, I remained blissfully unaware, my attention absorbed in the myriad offerings of the market.

"Kyojuro I-"

"Let's leave this place and find somewhere more private," he interjected, "I believe it's crucial for the future of our relationship. Even if you wish to dismiss it, please allow me the chance to explain."

"Sure, I do not wish to keep the chef waiting as he can get frustrated with not getting all his ingredients for his dishes."

"We will be back in time," Rengoku assured gently.

"We better if you do not want to be cleaved by his knives," I mentioned while grabbing the bag, "Hashira or not, that man's wrath matches one of a father who is very protective of his daughter."

"I can't wait to see how protective he would be of our kids."

This man is out to kill me...

Icy Flames- Rengoku Kyojuro-Demon Slayer/ Kimetsu no YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now