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"That being said, I intend to marry you. I want to get to know everything about you. From your likes, dislikes, your quirks, your favorite color-everything about you...because I love you, Y/N."

Heat had bloomed across my face almost instantly. My eyes only were glued to his orbs but soon broke concentration when I heard a the sound of a plate breaking the floor.

I soon diverted my eyes from Rengoku's orbs to where the sound was see it was Daisuke starting at Rengoku's figure stunned.

"Are you okay,Daisuke?" I asked.

Soon his attention turned towards myself before shaking his head and laughing nervously.

"Forgive me my lady for startling you," Daisuke said frantically before rushing to pick up the fragments and placing them in his hand.

I soon rose from in front of Rengoku's and walked towards Daisuke to help pick up the fragments.

"M-my lady please you don't have to help you should rest and focus on healing-"

"You shouldn't be picking up broken fragments from the ground and placing them in your bare hand," I responded firmly causing him go silent and focus his attention downwards at his hand, "you'll get cut."

"Neither should you!" Rengoku boisterously announced as he took off the top of his uniform and put in front of both Daisuke and myself, hinting for us to empty the fragments into his shirt, "and! He is right! You need to rest!"

"Hm," I sounded as I continued to pick up the visible fragments before rising up from the ground and walking around Rengoku and Daisuke figures and heading to dispose of the material.

"Well he did say it...," I thought before I halted my footsteps after hearing loud thunderous steps heading my way to see both Daisuke and Rengoku running towards me bumping shoulder to shoulder to get towards me.

"My lady please let me discard of the fragments, it is my fault that this has happened," Daisuke stated feebly and out of breath from the mini run.

"Give me the fragments to dispose of," Rengoku said. His voice being loud and booming with energy, "I do not want you to have another injury."

"It is fine," I responded simply as I continued walked onwards and turning the corner, "besides I wanted to get out and have some fresh air."

I simply turned the corner and sighed. Since they have seen each other they have been acting weird and for Daisuke to have dropped the plate ...though he was clumsy-even I knew he wasn't that clumsy.

I slide the door of the back and looked outwards. The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky. To think back then there was a time the night air punctuated the day. When the night air signaled a time to stop, lock doors, close curtains, and breath the tainted air of cooking, laundry, and bodies. But now, the sounds of bustling in the street could be heard from here.

Though everything moves fast, it is often hard to get time to think and wonder on a life without demons and a life with peace. I was happy to have been able to make the people of this region feel safe but yet there still lingered the main threat.

It may have been 10 months but the loom on Muzan's visage when I said those words still make me pondered as I looked at the wisteria surrounding the mansion. I never had the time to take the chance to notice the flowers and their colors, their delicacy and also their courage.

Soon the sound of fluttering was heard, I looked upwards and noticed my crow landing itself on my shoulder simply looked outwards.

"Tell me, is Rengoku's crow one of the crows that tormented you before you and I were partners?" I questioned.

"Caw..." muttered somberly causing me to change my gaze to a more stern focus.

"Has any of the crows messed you since then?" I questioned.

"Caw!" The crow yelled out sharply until its head nuzzled into the crook of my neck causing me to give half a smile. I guess it was safe to say that the other hashira's birds started to respect my own given he did a bit more than the other crows and was the whole reason for another hashira among the ranks.

I reached to gently pet his head.

"Hubbababa GwaaaaHhh~," my crow said as he shook his tail out of excitement

"I know you're usually with Kori and you are permitted to visit him if you like; only if you travel during the day time." I mentioned, "but if you want me to clear something with Kyojuro-I can. Do you want me to tell him?"

"Tell who what?!" someone questioned with earnest tone and eager expression that always knew how to warm your heart.

I simply turned my attention to the boisterous man as he stood looking at me from the door he had slammed open, smiling directly at myself.

I simply glanced at my crow to see my crow quickly rush into my kimono to hide themselves from Rengoku. From the tremors, it seems that Rengoku's crow really had a role in its trauma causing me to sigh. Even though Rengoku wanted me to be open to him...I didn't exactly know how to ask him...


I began until I felt small pecks at where my crow was hiding to see it's head turn to and fro indicating that my crow didn't want me to say anything.

"It's nothing," I simply said turning my attention back towards the beautiful scenery while cradling the bird against my chest.


From the sound of the door sliding and the movement of his feet shuffling towards me seems that he was staying out here.

"It is a beautiful night tonight,"

I simply glanced at him to see his eyes on me as he said that. The way his eyes shone brightly, like a fire crackling on a cold night really did bring some type of warmth to my heart. I simply hummed in agreement.

He was right ...Nights like this when the moon shines so bright and the cold air of chills me to the bones, keeps me awake. But being with him did make me warm. Here we both were ...alone together under the scattered wisteria night sky.

"Also, I didn't get a chance to say this but-I like your new hairstyle!" He cheered, "what made you cut it?"

"Upper demon 1," I mumbled.

"Why are you so close with that demon? Or why does he pursue you?" Rengoku's questioned. Though His voice, though still his usual tone, held something more-concern.

"When I have the answer to that question, I will tell you," I answered.

"Will you?" Rengoku questioned, "I feel like you have a lot of things you should be telling me but you don't."

"I need to patrol," I responded stoically, "and since you refuse to leave my side to make sure I am fully healed-you need to get ready and dress warm as the temperature drops more drastically in this region than it does around Master's area."

"Alright!" His stated as his eyes shone brightly, like a fire crackling on a cold winter's night and yet behind them something was telling me that our conversation wasn't over, "Hopefully, there aren't any serious threats tonight."

"The only threat here is your presence and the possibly of it waning on my concentration...and you confessing your love for me..."

Icy Flames- Rengoku Kyojuro-Demon Slayer/ Kimetsu no YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now