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That's what happened around this region, the crow would find some demon activities nearby and I would assist in slaying them. It was clear that this region wasn't getting any attention from slayers as the number of demons that plagued the area was large in number.

As their army was cut down, my reputation grew throughout the north of Japan-Kuraokami. The same name as the deity known to be the god of rain and snow.

Though my activities of the night were praised so were my daily activities when I had time to help out, mostly at the wisteria mansion. I would run small errands and help clean or carry large items.

When there is time to walk through the town to look at the many vendors selling their merchandise, it was the booths that had art and replica of me that were the most crowded.

From the months I have been here, this once destitute town went through an economic boom. It went from a town that was struggling to survive to one that had a marriage of sounds, from bicycle wheels to chattering. Occasionally, store owners would wave at me and ask for small favors which I would do if necessary. There was also the occasional courting of the men of the town to which I would shoot down.

I smiled to myself as Kori and I walked through the nearby forest as we did when there was occasional downtime. During these times, I would train either with Kori on defensive attacks or sword-swinging. Every now and then, there would be a small child imitating my moves across the rice paddies causing a small smile to come on my face.

"The obligation of anyone who thinks of himself as responsible is to examine society and try to change it and to fight it – at no matter what risk."

Those were the words my mother once told me from a story she once read to me. Regardless of your status, act on your deep and true desire to be giving and helpful. It is human nature, after all, it is just that most humans chose to not act on that desire absent a tangible avenue toward doing so.

Although I complete each mission with ease, my mind always rolls back to the first mission. From the villagers, it was said that the woman I had slain was once a resident of their village. Kuchisake-onna was a woman of astounding beauty and courted by many men in the village and samurai's passing through. She married the strongest samurai to catch her eye but became lonely when he had to go to battle. Her loneliness lead to her adulterous acts and word got out to her husband. Her husband was so enraged that he took his own blade and punished her, slicing the corners of her mouth from ear to ear causing her to bleed out and die.

She must have been resurrected to carry out her revenge on the town, probably since the source of rumors came from it.

But how was she resurrected into a demon? There is so much that I still needed to know about this corporation and this world. We are only told that demons have taken over our world and consumed humans but we are never told how or why?

"Next mission: 200 kilometers east, a troublesome demon lurks around the village-a demon slayer by the name of Rengoku, Kyojuro will assist you," the crow said, "You are to remain here until he comes and then leave out together---ARRRK!"

"Rengoku, Kyojuro where have I heard that name before..." I thought to myself as I leaned against the pillar supporting the frames of this place.

"Touch me again and I will not hesitate to kill you. I don't discriminate." I said blandly. Golden eyes lidded dully.

All he did was look at me as I walked away from him. Every step I took from him, his eyes sparkled as his smile grew evermore, "I cannot wait for the opportunity to work alongside you miss!" His boisterous voice was loud, "My name is Kyojuro Rengoku, Can I ask your name?"

I bolted up and rolled my eyes and closed my eyes. The boisterous loud man was the other survivor of the final selection.

"I wonder why they decided to bring another slayer to this part of the country..."

A few moments of thoughts of that man with yellow hair with red tips passed my mind as I feel my consciousness ebbing away. My eyes grow heavy from the strenuous effects of excessive agitation of the brain. I was exhausted and maybe since I had to stay put for this guy, it was best to get some needed shut-eye.

My eyes finally closed, I was able for once to get a dreamless sleep...a moment of peace. 

Icy Flames- Rengoku Kyojuro-Demon Slayer/ Kimetsu no YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now