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As time passed, my wrist healed. The doctor here at the wisteria mansion was quite content to see it didn't worsen as it did the day Rengoku offered his services to help me carry the bags.

Speaking of the Flame Hashira, it seems that he made it his mission to pester me on a daily when he wasn't given a real mission from the day he helped me with the bags. Given the information Uzui provided me with, it was quite shocking to know what his residence was on the other side of town. It was puzzling why he would make the trek over here.

It didn't help that Baa-chan would entertain it. Inviting him in for tea or for lunch and if he is early enough he gets two meals. Though he and she spoke more frequently about current events, he would always attempt to bring me into their conversation or have a conversation of his own with me either: (1) looking forward or upwards disregarding his presences, (2) low grunts showing disdain for his presence, (3) reading a book, which is less frequent since he saw me reading as a form of invitation to come closer to me and read along, or, (4) moving to my room, a place I knew he could never enter unless permitted.

Before I could be met with any disturbance, I wanted to take this time to hone my skills with my blade in the garden. I slide the door open to look at the morning haze that veiled the peaceful secluded lands surrounded by rows of wisteria.

"Kori, if Rengoku comes, please snarl at him."

The wolf only laid down with his nose tucked under his crossed paws as he opened one of his eyes out of boredom but closed it. Though he was showing disinterest in what I said.

In the beginning, whenever he was out beside me, he would snarl at Rengoku if he moved any closer than 2 meters (6.5 feet) within my space. Nowadays, he was unbothered by him...maybe the night before Rengoku left and he sat beside Kori and spoke with him and my Kasugai crow. Though his tone wasn't his loud boisterous one but one of gentleness and soft...and very low. During that conversation, he leaned into Kori's ear once saying something I didn't catch but since then...Kori allows him near me.

I unsheathed my blade from its holder and thumb to push the weapon up slightly, my other hand coming around to grab the hilt of the katana looking somehow relaxed and ready to strike all at one time while looking at the targets- old wooden dummies that were nicked with marks from my blade. Some completely with broken arms and missing heads.

What was missing the most was the answer to why Rengoku was inserting himself into my life? He had Mitsuri...I have read in a book that girls can get jealous and their jealousy was nothing to mess with...maybe even more dangerous than a demon.

I raised my sword, the sword many have described as 'pretty' just as its master, after all, gleaming translucent as ice, high and charged.

"Y/N when you strike...be quick as lighting and cold as ice."

I glanced upwards towards the beam of light that protected these lands and inhaled.

"Ice Breathing: Second Form"

Sounds of ice crystals transformed my
blade as I charged from the engawa and jumped while twirling in the air, "Soumetsu! (Genshin impact move lol)"

A storm of whirling icy winds that slashes repeatedly at every wooden dummy it touched. Due to the sun's rays, the attack died down as it moved forward continuously-ceasing before hitting the wall.

I turned the blade, letting the sunlight gleam off of it, revealing a kaleidoscope of colors. To the eyes of those who didn't know the blade, it seemed like a natural Nichirin sword, but in my grasp and when I call off attacks, it looked as if it was just simply-

"Your blade is really a sheet of ice shaped like a katana?"

My eyes widen as I turned around to see those bright, shining eyes looking at my blade. He was early!

Wait! How did he know? Not even Uzui knew what it looked like...then again...Uzui never fought near me. And he said really as if he was justifying something? Did he see it when we were partnered together almost two years back?

I looked down at Kori to see him fast asleep. My eyes twitched slightly when I noticed his nose twitch but he didn't do anything.

I simply turned around and concentrated on my breathing, letting out an icy haze.

The sound of a sword being drawn from its holster got me to turn around and looked at the individual who drew it. As I turned around, a spiral of fire headed in my direction. Instinctively, I held my blade up and blocked with the culprit as it has slightly pushed me back. My eyes shifted from my feet up to the person to see those golden-rimmed eyes set on me with  Kyojuro and I were nose-to-nose.

"Do you wish to die?" I snarled out a near threat only to be met again with that stupid grin he loves to sport. His hair was still settling from his speedy dash. However, his eyes...serious and set on a goal.

"Not at all," Rengoku announced as his eyes sparkled with amusement, "I only wish to spar with you."

My eyes were fixed on him as our blade kissed. Neither one of us was backing down from this. My fury was both egged and calmed by his sudden action. Since he wanted a sparring match, I'll give him one.

I quickly raised my knee to his side only for him to back away, his flaming haori billowing behind him, and hold his blade upwards, the red blade shining in the morning sun.

I looked at those orbs getting more fired up than before and smirked. I dragged my blade beside me while releasing my icy breath and slowly disappearing into a fog, confusing him and making him fret. He wouldn't be able to see me now.

I swiftly appear beneath him as his eyes shifted downwards, I swapped my blade so that the hilt of the blade hit him through his stomach forcing me to feel the contours of his liver. Rengoku's eyes widen from shock from my blade that winds him as he simply was caught in a rasping gasp until he was blown back against the engawa. His breath shoved through his teeth like a violent cough.

I only looked as he rose up from the ground and looked into my cold gaze. I swapped my blade so that the point was pointed towards him. Quickly, I pushed the point downwards into the ground and propelled myself towards Rengoku as he quickly deflected my blade
again making them meet with a chorus of singing steel. As our blades collided, I could see his eyes beaming with pride.

I breathed in, narrowing my focus to the Fire Hashira and nothing else. My fingers clasping the hilt of my Nichirin, strands of my silver hair caught in the breeze, golden eyes waiting for his next move.

Patient, immoveable. Powerful.

Each blow and strike was met with equal strength after. Both of us were either deflecting or dodging each other's attacks. His movements were as wild as the fire he wields in his blades.

Sweat drips into our eyes, and though my body was weakening considerably beneath the strain of my efforts to get him to concede.

From the look of his demeanor and his fierce smile of his, he was enjoying this. It was almost as if we were dancing to the song of our blade clashing with one another. This was our song of fire and ice.

This went on for a while until I retreated back from him and exhaled. Rengoku was as I suspected that day he released his Fire Breathing style, he was strong. The look in his eyes showed his determination. However, behind his determination was another feeling I couldn't decipher. No matter though, I was done entertaining him. He got what he wanted so that means he wouldn't be here as much any more.

I turned my back towards him and sheathed my sword, indicating to him that the battle was finished. With the click of my sword fully secured in its sheath, I glanced back at Rengoku.

However, what I did expect was for him to collide with me.

I slowly blinked the dust from my eyes and looked up noticing those eyes of his staring down at me...intensely as if he was searching for something he could find in me.

Icy Flames- Rengoku Kyojuro-Demon Slayer/ Kimetsu no YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now