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My heart skipped a beat and a warmth spread across my cheeks. My face felt hot as the rush of emotions overwhelmed me as I watched Kyojuro come before me ...kneeling before me. In some ways it made me feel like a princess to the point my imagination caused me to feel my blush paint my cheeks.

His movements were slow and deliberate as he carefully adjusted the straps of the snow shoes to fit snugly around my feet. The soft leather felt cool against my skin, promising comfort and stability on our journey through the snowy streets of this city.

Every little gesture he made had the power to make my heart race and fill my chest with an indescribable feeling-maybe it was happiness. It was as if he held some kind of magic over me, effortlessly bringing out these intense feelings within me.

"Please do not use your arm and ask me to help you," Kyojuro said boisterously.

His eyes met mine briefly with a loving gaze before returning to his task at hand. It was clear that he wanted nothing more than to ensure my safety and well-being during our outing. His smile could light up even the darkest room, making everything around us seem brighter and more beautiful.

I simply turned my head away from him and grunted at his command causing him to merely chuckle at my behavior. However, my face was brought back to turn towards those flame-colored orbs.

"Regardless of you feeling like you are being treated as if you are crippled, I only want to ensure your health and recovery, my flame."

"M-My flame..." I thought to myself as I felt my blushing intensified beyond measure. A deep shade of red would paint itself across my cheeks as though trying to mirror the intensity of what I felt inside.

I only rose from my spot and turned to see Daisuke struggling to put on his shoe causing me to simply snort and go to help him as I had done in the past only to have Rengoku help him causing me to blush even more.

"A-Ah En Bashira, it's okay!" Daisuke exclaimed.

"No, you are struggling I will help!" Kyojuro smiled, "Please allow me to assist."

"U-m sure," Daisuke mumbled while blushing, "T-Thank you."

"Anyone Y/N cares about is someone I will also care about," Kyojuro's boisterous voice echoed, "In a way, you kind or remind me of my younger brother."

"Younger brother?" I thought, "I wonder if his younger brother looked a lot like him...his features do seem more dominant, and from the way he described his parents back during the festival he did mention his traits looking more like his fathers..."

"Shall we head forward my lady," Daisuke asked as he nestled in his scarf for warmth while Rengoku only remained gleeful but it was nice to see that the wisteria was able to provide him with warmer garments that resembled the pattern of his haori.

"Hm..." Saw all I responded as I walked through the door while they followed. As we exited the gate and walked the path toward town, Daisuke and Kyojuro took their place beside me, putting me in the middle.

"I am very excited to see Hokkaido since its development!" the young man with golden and reddish hair almost shouted.

I glanced at him. My gaze would be piercing, cutting through the noise to focus on Kyojuro and yet it was hard to not notice that his smile was dazzling and I could almost feel the heat emanating from it-his smile was as bright as his flame. I quickly turned my head back forward towards the path to prevent him from seeing my blush but Daisuke was quick to notice and let out a small chuckle.

"Ah, yes En Bashira," Daisuke started, "Hokkaido has changed a lot since Y/N-sama saved this land from that horrid demon. It was once a land that was scares in resources but now has economically rivaled other towns in Japan. Large-scale reclamation projects were initiated to convert vast expanses of wilderness into arable land, and many artists from different prefectures, and outside of Japan came to write about it. Recently, there have been talks of making a train line called the Muroran Main Line to connect it more to Japan and creating a shipping system on the Otaru Canal to allow more transport of goods."

Icy Flames- Rengoku Kyojuro-Demon Slayer/ Kimetsu no YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now