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"Father! Father, please! You can't leave me!" I cried as I grabbed his arm and proceeded to shake it.

Blood seeps into the water below yet when I looked at my father's eyes I saw the pain. Pain exploded in his face and he had to blink away the tears, staring down at me. He was gasping for air at this point, He couldn't breathe through his nose anymore.

"You have to live Y/N...you have to survive."

"Please." And a sob wracked my body, the tears running from his eyes like deer from a hunter. "Please, please don't leave me."

But I could see the life slip from his eyes as he took his last breath and slowly slipped down into the currents of the river as my tears flowed from my eyes.

I lost grip of him and his body drifted with the currents of the river. In these clear rivers, waters exist our honest truths, flowing amid this valley, quenching earth and kin. It was clear that those demons had a mission of some sort and although they failed at their task, they succeeded in sparking mine.

"All for this ore...a block of ice that looks similar to that of diamond and is infused with the Aoi Higanbana petals..."

The twilight came as a tangible whisper of the stars to come, foreshadowing the inevitable rising of the sun. If only it had sung its sweet lullaby to the hues of the daylight earlier...then this casualty wouldn't have happened.

I slowly pulled myself out of the shallow waters. As soon as my foot touched the ground, I dropped. My stomach turned and my body shuddered violently. I was dry heaving between sobs. I wanted to scream but my throat was raw and nothing came out. My head pounded, the world was blurred.

Aside from the birds and the sun fully rising, the area seemed as if it was deafeningly quiet.

But that quiet was gone the moment sounds of growls were echoed through the area.

I looked around. The howl peaked at that exact moment before silencing once more.

My eyes scanned the area to see golden amber eyes locked onto mine and slowly walked out baring its fangs. I narrowed my eyes in response.

Moving into the morning light I saw that it was clearly a wolf, a male wolf. He had a white silver, fur that was glossy and thick. His paws kiss the earth with lightness and there is a bit of malice in his gaze.

They were common in our area and often were responsible for a few casualties. I wasn't going to be another number to this creature. My father's last words for me to live.

I slowly picked up my body. My clothes were tattered with my parent's blood, my hair was disheveled and unkempt, my skin was filled with dirt down to my nailbeds. My eyes never broke contact with the wolf though, no matter how much he snarled at me. I wasn't going to go down easily.

"I'll kill you if you try and attack me," I mumbled as I got ready to defend myself from the wolf with the ore that my father entrusted to me. He wanted me to live and that is exactly what I intend to do.

From my stance, I gained a louder growl from the wolf as it took a step forward ready to attack me. The Wolf bristled and I could see the hairs on its neck stand up. Regardless of our standoff, it was hard to ignore the fact that the wolf was actually injured. 

But that wound didn't stop it from charging towards me and taking a bit into my leg. I had barely had time to register the pain splintering through my flesh at my thigh. All II could concentrate on was the blood splattered across my cheek, my blood, and the fact that I was being dragged across mossy forest ground.

With the ore, I bashed the wolf on its head getting a howl of pain from it. Again and again, I targeted the wolf and attacked it.

The wolf back away only to slowly walk towards me for another attack. Its mouth could do nothing but sneer, smirk, and show off inch-long pearly fangs. I fell to the ground on my knee and glared at the being ready to fight it if I must. 

My thigh looked bloodied and mangled but yet I was in a better condition than the wolf. My eyes shifted to focus on the being to see it had dropped and now was breathing heavily. 

With the amount of blood lost it was bound to happen. He was at death's door but the will in its amber eyes showed me that it didn't want to die.

I could focus on my own wounds and walk away from this animal and let nature take its course...every journey has its final day...yet-

I limped my legs towards the animal and dropped in front of it and reached towards the wound. As quick as I tried to assess the wound, its head whipped up and went to attack me until I took the ore and put it between its mouth to prevent it from getting another bite in. 

"If you try and attack me again, I'll leave you for dead," I glared as I turn my head back towards the nasty wound. It or his side was sheared, hanging open, the tunic below turned from green to muddy brown by blood.  The dark red stains on the wolf were staining its fur. There was no time to lose. 

Icy Flames- Rengoku Kyojuro-Demon Slayer/ Kimetsu no YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now