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As he walked through the town, I couldn't help but bury my face deeper into his uniform. Up until this point, A comfortable silence is broken only by the sounds of our breathing and a medley of insect wings

Glancing up I can see that smile of his get bigger as if he was enjoying this-he was enjoying how close I was to him and how flustered I am getting just by him carrying me.

"Who is he?" I heard the villagers whisper.

"Looks like an owl," another one gossiped.

"Why is he holding the Kuraokami," one gasped.

Slowly villagers began to stop what they were doing and watch Rengoku bring me through. My crow, who had been flying, landed on my stomach. Soon its head turned slightly out of confusion until it noticed a crow flying behind Rengoku and shrieked in fear as it slowly walked up to the slight opening on my kimono and buried beneath the cloth. I am unsure on if my bird was just generally scared of crows because of what the other crows did or if Rengoku's crow was one of the crows bullying my bird prior to it finding me as it's partner.

"Rengoku, this is embarrassing," I mumbled as I buried my face into his chest, hiding the rosy hues on my cheek.

"How so?" He beamed back at you, "when one loves another they make sure that their significant other is well taken care of."

The words he beamed from his lips became a sharp, crashing chord. And his disarming gaze thumped like a taiko on the inside of my chest.

"I'm pretty sure Tengen told you that we are immune to most poisons," I mumbled.

"He did not!" Rengoku boasted, "But it doesn't matter as I will still carry you."

My face only turned redder than before, if possible, and pressed even more against his chest. His boisterous laughter at this situation brought more luminosity to his glorious light, embodying the very flames erupting from his very being.

"Ah-En-Bashi...ra?" someone called out.

At the sound of that voice, it must have been the woman he escorted here. From the sound of her voice, it seemed at first excited but that slight pause-it broke.

"Ah-Shimada-san," Rengoku called out.

"Where did you go?" she asked "I was looking all over-was she attacked by a demon?"


I placed my hand on Rengoku's chest. As much as I love this man, I am not selfish enough to allow my desires to hold him back from his duties. He promised that shop keep to escort his daughter here and to bring her back safely.

He glanced downwards. Though his eyes gleamed with overwhelming positivity and drive, I could see the slight worry in his eyes.

"You need to fulfill your obligation Rengoku," I mentioned, "I will continue towards the wisteria mansion from here."

The slightest movement I had made to get out of his arms, was futile as he only held me tighter against him.

"I told you I was going to bring you to the mansion, and I intend to fulfill that promise!" he proudly announced causing me to be even redder, "Apologies Shimada-san, but I must bring Y/N to the wisteria mansion."

"O-oh um?"

"Please return towards the inn we had parted ways from, I will have another slayer assist you on your journey back as I am needed here."

She was stunned by his actions. Her eyes followed his movements past her as he simply walked passed her, not turning back once to see if she had moved.

From the slight movements of his haori, it was clear from-she was hurt. Her tears began to fall, they streamed delicately down both sides of her cheeks with the soft, sorrowful whisper of a solitary shakuhachi. Losing him hurt, even though his actions clearly stated that he was a good friend to her and he had helped her-they were close. But from his actions, the feelings were one-sided.

If I was in her position, every single part of me would have felt wretched.

But now understanding it was clear.

My amber gaze looked up towards the man determined to bring me to the wisteria mansion himself. He was the man-the kind of melody that was so captivating that he creeps in softly through every last corner of my mind, consuming the empty spaces between every thought, demanding to be sung at the top of my lungs. The sort of song that sweetens the air around it. That saturates the energy and atmosphere of the surroundings.

It wasn't long before I noticed that we were bathed in a cascades of soft purple blooms reminiscent of grape clusters swathing the trees.

"I understand that I made a promise to her father, but he will have to understand that my love for you holds more importance than my promise to him."

My cheeks were flustered once more from his words only causing him to laugh as how easily he had me embarrassed.

"Again, you were putting others before yourself-reminding me so much why I love you; however-" he paused, " do know that I will not allow you to do such an action when I am around-because I will always put you first regardless of whatever is happening."

I smiled at his words and closed my eyes at the solace of them. How fortunate were the gods for pairing me with such an extraordinary being as himself-yet in the back of my mind...the emotions of that woman worried me.

Icy Flames- Rengoku Kyojuro-Demon Slayer/ Kimetsu no YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now