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To lure someone, is to have bait.

That was exactly the next phase of our plan. Uzui renting a room in the finest establishment in the pleasure district, red and gold-colored painting stretched across every inch of the walls, as golden décor littered the space filled with tastefully lacquered high tables and chairs. It was the private section of the house, with one cozy with thick tatami mats and a low, square table at the side.

To those outside the sounds of little huffing sound to leave my lips could be heard.

My hand pressed hard against the wall.


"You are still not used to it Y/N," Uzui amused, "Endure a little longer...you'll get used to it."


I state it in such a breathless manner that he has to pause, staring in my direction in momentary shock. My face was flushed with sweat. Heat covered my cheeks and my body felt so hot.

Uzui rose his head up and looked at the window to the room and the finger– which has a red-painted nail– presses against my lips to hush me as he focuses his eyes on the rice paper covering, "He left."

"I fucking hate you for making me drink sake!" I yelled as I punched him in the face causing him to fall over.

That's right, Uzui knows that drinking sake "loosens me up" a bit, and then a quick detox of the alcohol rolls right through me but to those on the other side of the wall...it comes out as lewd playing on the district's glazen lust, love, and tears.

"Stay here for a bit...I need to step out to leak," Uzui said bluntly.

Before he could get up, my hand reached for his kimono sash, yanking him back down towards me. His wine-colored eyes looked directly into mine knowing damn well what I wanted.

"Give it to me before you leave," I seethed as my cold eyes uninviting and my disinterested mannerism made it clear that he would piss his pants if he didn't abide by my command.

"Hey, mice! Y/N's things," Uzui's says out of boredom only getting me to punch him on the crown of his head.

"muki!, muki!, muki! (Muscle! Muscle!Muscle!)"

The two rodents slide out from the cracks of the closet in the room only to slide the door back on its track to reveal my demon slayer attire and my sword. How they are able to slide out of cracks with their arms and chests swelled that their muscles exceed the size of their torso and legs by several times...is beneath me.

Uzui slid the door open and looked back towards me as I began to slip the soft fabric of the top down my shoulders.

"You should give yourself more credit...if we weren't so close and you were apart of the clan around when I was 15 in the clan, I would have requested you as my fourth wife."

"Are you an idiot!" I yelled at him, "I would never marry you if we weren't blood! Besides you have Makio!"

"WHAT!" Uzui yelled, "you know my father was going to give you to brother because he wanted you to just breed exceptional heirs!"

"I'm not talking to you about that right now!" You reprimanded "You should be f***in grateful that I agreed to be your plus one on this mission! I should throw up some more for the way you touched me there! You lewd pervert! Is this how you seduce the crap out of your wives!"

"Shut up! At least I can get women while you cry over a man that-"

"Ice Breathing: Fifth form-"

I began as I slowly slid my blade from its sheath as my frosty breath came out much harsher than it ever did. The sound of the metal scrapping my sheath should have been a requiem toward Tengen signaling that I was going to kill him.

Before I could pull my sword all the way out, he got the message and slid the door shut closed and he was vanished. I sighed angrily slide my sword back in its sheath and set it down beside me as I changed out of my clothes. He really irked me!

I slipped my clothes and my sleeping Yukata on with my sword strapped against my spine. I pulled the sheet up to my neck laid my head back and sighed. I understood where Uzui was coming from but Uzui knows that we are trained to not care about ourselves.

I wish he never saw me cry. I wrapped my arms around myself and shivered. I was afraid of this new emotion that I was feeling. My heart was beating through my chest, and yet my personality was like my abilities... cold and firm like a block of ice.

I sighed once more allowing my mind to be free of thoughts and worries. It took a while for me to finally shut my eyes and take a shuddering deep breath to go into  a light sleep-knowing my spectator for the evening would be coming to pick me up.

Icy Flames- Rengoku Kyojuro-Demon Slayer/ Kimetsu no YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now