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"I guess it was best for us to be separate for almost a year," Kyojuro said, "then I wouldn't have the reminder from that kiss of how good I have it with you."

I simply turned my attention forward and began walking on ahead.

"Let finish this patrol," I mentioned changing the subject while nuzzling myself into my warm scarf, in an attempt to stop the blush on my cheek.

"Of course!" Rengoku said enthusiastically.

Rengoku, with his usual warmth and sincerity, reached out and took my hand. He looked into my eyes and said, "Don't worry, my love. The daughter of the cook is just a friend."

"Hm..." was all I responded with while I simply glanced at him and turned my attention towards the forest while nuzzling in my scarf.

"Our relationship is purely platonic, and I will never harbored any romantic feelings for her since the woman beside me right now has a full grasp on my heart," Rengoku said gently, " and I hope I am the only man in her eyes as well."

"If you are hinting at my relationship with Daisuke," I started, "he is more like a little brother to me and became closer only because he almost lost his job before I came to this region."

From my description, he seemed more curious to know.

"Daisuke performed everything to utter failure and wasn't allowed to sleep on the main floor but in the basement after I took care of the demons in this area," I continued with a small smile, "With his unkempt hair and wrinkled attire, he seemed to have little regard for his appearance. His movements were haphazard and lacked grace, as he tripped over his own feet, causing the tray of delicate tea cups to wobble precariously. I watched often as he spilled tea on the pristine tatami mat, leaving a dark stain that marred its beauty."

"The wisteria mansion head has enough of his mishaps-and fired him. He begged for his job and pleaded as the economy in this region was terrible and without any work-your life expectancy was almost cut to 75% as food was scares," I mentioned while walking forward, "therefore, I asked the head of this mansion to make Daisuke my personal aide while I stay in the region. At first, she felt embarrassed and offered her best but I insisted on having Daisuke to which she knew she couldn't refuse given the fact that I had just saved their down from the demon that has been antagonizing them. So she accepted my request-Daisuke was so scared and timid to do anything fearing he would lose his job. His lack of attention to detail was evident in every task he attempted. He failed to properly arrange the flowers in the alcove, leaving them haphazardly placed and wilting. He struggled to light the incense, letting it burn too quickly and filling the room with a pungent odor that was overwhelming, he knew he messed up and was scared I would tell the head of the house but I simply corrected his mistake or accepted it. When I was going to meditate, I asked him to join me and I learned that his has really bad anxiety. So throughout the year I forced him to follow me around the region to teach him some techniques to manage it. Once he grasped it, his performance in doing simple tasks in the mansion excelled and he was soon praised by the head of the mansion. Then when I received my promotion to Hashira, he was also promoted and was granted better living conditions and was respected more by the other aides."

Glancing at Kyojuro, I noticed his piercing eyes filled with curiosity, I could tell he had something on his mind.

"Y/N," Kyojuro said in his deep, resonant voice, his hand reaching out to gently touch mine. "Do you think Daisuke has feelings for you?"

I felt a slight pang of surprise at his question, but I appreciated his directness. Kyojuro was always open and honest with me, and I admired that about him. I knew exactly who he was referring to - the man who had been my loyal aide for years, always by my side, supporting me in my duties.

Icy Flames- Rengoku Kyojuro-Demon Slayer/ Kimetsu no YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now