Best Man

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Keefe's Pov

I sniff a tunic checking to see if it is clean. Shrugging I pull it on, then step outside of the door. I make my way to the kitchen where a dark-skinned boy and bangsy are already there eating breakfast. I look around and see wonderboy sitting in the corner.

"Good morning Keefe," Wylie smiles.

"Morning Loverboy, Bangs-Boy. I have news," I look between both of them. "Foster and I are getting married and I would like to have you both as my groomsmen."

Tam gapes at me, "I'm sorry what? You actually had the guts to propose to Sophie? And you want me to be one of your groomsmen?"

"As much as I hate to admit it, you are one of my best friends."

"Of course, we wouldn't miss it for the world," Wylie takes his boyfriend's hand. "Thank you for thinking of us."

I smile at them both and move to sit across from Fitz changing my face to a stoic expression. He looks up with surprise clouding his eyes. Confusion radiates off of him, it's so bad it makes me feel queasy.

"Uhm, hi. What-I mean, um, do you need anything?" Fitz stumbles over his words which is very rare for him.

I stare at him waiting for his gaze to meet mine, "I'm trying to forgive you. For hurting Linh, for hurting me, for hurting Foster. I'm not there yet but I know I want to help you get through your anger and jealousy issues. I want to get to know you again. So, Soph and I are getting married, and as of now I want you to be my best man."

His teal eyes go wide, "Yes, I mean yeah that would be-I would be honored to be your best man." He pauses for a moment "Thank you for giving me a second chance."

"Don't thank me. Thank my fiance. Listen, we need to have a serious conversation, so we are going to train. Go get dressed and meet me in the field in 15 minutes."

I leave the golden boy to find my gorgeous bride-to-be and tell her the good news. I walk around the building searching for her, I hear squealing and yelling and make a beeline for the living room. I stand leaning against the doorway smiling at my friends attacking Foster with questions and practically lying on top of her. She groans trying to shove the girls off of her. Biana notices me and levitates off of Sophie moving quickly towards me. My eyes widen in panic and I brace myself as she falls on top of me.

"I can't believe you actually proposed! I didn't think you had it in you!" her shrieks pierce my eardrums. "I'm so happy for you two!!!"

I push her off of me, "Really? I had no idea."

Foster giggles from across the room both Linh and Marella still clinging to her, "Biana, leave him alone. I'll take the excitement for the both of us."

"Oh, Soph, I'm not sure you can handle Biana going full fangirl..." Linh trails off.

"Shhhhhhhh, I wanna see what happens," Marella silences Linh.

I back out of the room, "Well, I'd really love to stay and see my fiance be ambushed by her closest friends, but I'm going to train."

"Byeeee Keefeyyyyy," the girls coo.

I roll my eyes and get out of the room as fast as I can making my way outside. Ro corners me in the hall slamming me against the wall much harder than necessary.

"Hunkyhair, when were you going to tell me that you and blondie are going to get married?!" Ro asks threateningly.


She slams me against the wall again before pulling me into a bone-crushing hug, "You have been pining over her for forever! Good for you Hunkyhair."

"Thanks, Ro," I wince.

"Can I be the flower girl?" she begs dropping me suddenly.

I smirk, "Only if you can convince Bo to be the ring bearer. It would be quite the addition to 'The Ballad of Bo and Ro'."

Despite my snarky comment, her smile doesn't fade, "I'll do what I can."

She turns on her heel practically skipping down the hall. I shake my head chuckling to myself and continue on my way to grab some throwing stars. I take a couple of the light-weighted weapons holding them softly in my hands. I swing my arm a bit to loosen up, then turn my focus to one of the targets and let my body take over.




My aim slips and the sharp metal goes flying sicking itself right above Fitz's head. There is an inaudible gasp from the golden boy and I break down in laughter at his expression.

"Wow, I would have thought that your telepathy had improved enough for a weapon not to come close to killing you."

He scoffs, "I was caught off guard."

"Mhmmm sure Fitzy poo. Come one, let's get to sparring," I grab a wooden staff and twirl it expertly in my hand.

He takes one as well and moves to a fighting stance, I lunge at him and there is a crack when the two pieces of wood hit each other. I pull back ready for his advances and block them pretty well if I do say so myself. We both take a step back circling one another.

"So, why'd you even do all those things in the first place Wonderboy?" I ask partially egging him on.

"It's not like I planned to do it. I was just so jealous-"

I spring at him cutting him off, "Jealous of me?"

He counters the attack, "I guess, I don't know. I guess it was just difficult for me. After all this time I was finally the one to get the girl, I was the one, not you."

"Oh please, almost every single girl on this planet has fallen for you at least once," there are a few more attacks. "I mean you are Fitz Vacker, the golden boy, little mister perfect."

"Yeah, but you are the one with the jokes, and the flirting, and the tragic past."

"We both have pretty tragic pasts if that is something you are trying to compare."

More fighting and spinning and cracking, "I don't know what else you want me to say, there are only so many times I can say sorry."

"That's not what I mean, Fitz, look, I'm trying to make an effort here."

"You're right I'm sorry."

I sweep the wooden staff under his legs knocking him to the ground, I throw the stick to the side and pin him down.

"I win."

Haha! I am making progress! And oh my gosh thank you so much for the 8.9K views!! That means so much to me honestly. This chapter is dedicated to BookLoverforever27 thank you so much for your hilarious comments they make my day! Hope everyone is staying healthy!


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