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Keefe's Pov

Sophie Foster and I kissed. The Sophie Foster kissed me! The realization was just setting in when we were dragged to dinner with Jolie and Brant. The guard led Sophie and me into a crystal dining room. I was wearing an ice blue suit, Sophie had an off the shoulder dress in the same color so we were matching. Foster looked at me and blushed when she saw me looking at her. Her emotions were going crazy, there was confusion, fear, embarrassment, and so much more! I look at her with concern and she just shrugs and smiles taking a seat across from Jolie. I sit down next to her so that I can protect her if something happens. Brant comes in and kisses Jolie on the cheek while sitting down next to her, putting him right in front of me.

Brant sees me and smirks, "Mr. Sencen long time no see!"

"Brant! How's your group? What was it called the Neverseen?" I sneer.

His smile falters for a second then he regains it, "Still have the charm I see."

"So Sophie! How are you? Have you been adjusting well?" Jolie asks clasping her hands together.

Sophie blushes and sneaks a glance at me, "Yes! Very well actually. Keefe and I had a great conversation about Everblaze and the Black Swan."

"Oh?" Jolie says raising an eyebrow at me.

I just glare at her in anger, she changed Foster. She doesn't deserve anything from me. 

"Yeah," Foster giggles blushing, "I told Keefe about how amazing Everbalze is! I can't wait to join the cause!"

"Yes! That will be tonight when you pledge your loyalty to us," Brant states looking at me with laughter in his eyes.

The girls keep chatting about things like Everblaze, food, clothes, friends other stuff. All I could think about is Foster. She is going to pledge her loyalty to Everblaze. I'm not sure what it entails but I'm scared.

"If I may, I would like a little chat with Keefe outside for a second," Brant requests.

"Of course! Keefe go ahead," Jolie confirms.

I panic but stand up, once we're outside I ask, "What do you want Brant?"

"Now now, no need to be salty. I just wanted to let you know that if you don't want anything to happen to your precious Foster I would think about joining our cause."

I scoff hiding my fear, "Like I would betray my friends again."

"Just saying, it would be easier to keep an eye on her," Brant points out, "All I ask is for you to think about it."

I nod and walk back to the dining room.

Dex's Pov

Today is the day, we are going to come up with a plan and save Sophie and Keefe. Ro, Bo, Sandor, Flori, Nubiti, Tarnia, and the rest of our bodyguards came back to help us. After we wake up we are taken to a dining hall to eat and talk. Nobody would say award. Alden tries to start up a conversation many times. The only thing anyone gave him was one word mumbled responses. The bodyguards just stood in the shadows, Sandor was talking to Grizel in a hushed tone. Mr. Forkle comes in with all of his wrinkled glory. He sits at the head of the table staring at our melancholy faces. 

"You kids need to stop moping and get to planning," Mr. Forkle states.

"I had an idea," I mumble.

"Alright, Mr. Dizznee go ahead," Forkle invites.

"Well, it's kinda like all of our other ones but more structured. I was thinking that uh, Fitz could track Sophie's thoughts, Keefe will most likely be with her too, but in case he isn't Alden or another telepath could track Keefe's thoughts too. I've been working on a gadget that might be able to create a rift that we can teleport through, I still have to do some tests with it but if that works we will be able to teleport to them. Biana and Tam can work together to hide everyone. We can work to make a distraction maybe Lihn could flood some area there," I explain the weals turning in my head.

"Dex, since it's like most of our other plans don't you think they would be prepared? Sophie and Keefe might have ability restrictors that could prevent us from reaching their thoughts," Tam reasons.

"I guess that's true but if we catch them off guard somehow we might be able to do it," I counter.

"When I was trying to reach Sophie I saw that she is doing some sort of ceremony in a few days to pledge her loyalty to a new group called Everblaze," Fitz shudders.

"What do you mean she is pledging her loyalty to Everblaze?" Biana shouts.

"I mean they wiped her memories of the Black Swan, the Neverseen and everything. They convinced her that this new Neverseen is better so she is pledging her loyalty to them," Fitz mumbles.

Everyone is speechless at that except me, "Then that will be the perfect time to attack."

Hi everyone! Hope you like the new chapter sorry I have been really busy so I wasn't able to post the last couple of days! Thanks for reading!


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