Wedding Vows

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Keefe's Pov

I pace around in a tent that has been set up in the sanctuary. I have my suit on minus the blazer and cape. Fitz, Tam, and Wylie sit on a couch sipping water. By order of Biana, none of us are allowed to eat or drink anything other than water. I try my best not to mess with my hair. I know if I did anything to it Biana would stop the wedding just to fix it. What if this is the wrong decision? What if I can't make her happy? What if I'm keeping her from her true soulmate?

"I can assure you that every single thought going through your head right now is wrong," Fitz comforts. "And I will never let you run out on your wedding because then Biana would literally stab me to death."

I face him with a glare, "Obviously I'm not going to bail on her. But, what if she isn't happy with me? What if this is the worst decision of her life and she doesn't even realize it?"

Tam stands up and kicks me in the shin. I jump, "Ow! What the heck was that for?"

"Both for my entertainment and because you are being stupid. Sophie loves you. I've never seen her happier than when she is with you. As much as I hate to admit it, you are the perfect fit for her. You always know how to calm her down when she is spiraling, you know how to make her laugh when she is devastated. Keefe, you are the best person for her," Tam rants.

"I-thank you," I pull him into a hug. He struggles a bit to get out of my embrace which just makes me hold him tighter.

Tam shoves me off of him, "I know we don't always see eye to eye, but you and Sophie are perfect for each other. And as much as I hate to admit it, you aren't completely unbearable."

Tears gather in my eyes, "Oh my gosh! Who knew my adorable little gothy child would grow up and have lovey-dovey feelings!"

He rolls his eyes, "Now I regret saying anything. Can you go back to panicking please?"

"Nuh, uh! You think and I quote 'not completely unbearable'."

Tam turns to his boyfriend, "I'm never gonna live this down am I?"

Wylie leans down to peck him on the cheek, "You dug your own grave here sweetheart."

I smile at the both of them and Fitz walks over to pat me on the shoulder. I have this giddy sort of feeling in my stomach. I am actually getting married, I'm getting married to the most beautiful woman in the world. I can't wait to see her walk down the aisle and be with her for the rest of our lives.

Sophie's Pov

Biana messes with the back of my dress and cape. I hold the bouquet of flowers tightly in my hands. I fight back the urge to tear out one of itchy eyelashes, but if I smudged the makeup Biana had perfectly applied I would be a dead woman. I can hear music start to play behind the curtain of the tent. Biana squeezes my shoulder reassuringly and moves to stand in front of me.

"Good lucky babe," she whispers, giving me a wink.

I bite back a nervous laugh, "Thanks."

Linh and Marella pull away the silky green curtains and step out first. Biana follows after. The music changes and Grady appears beside me. I step out onto the tile that was laid on top of the grass and will my feet not to make me trip, Grady has his arm linked in mine as a sort of brace. Keefe stands at the end of the path right by a podium where Councilor Bronte is standing. He is wearing a perfect light blue suit with a navy cape that compliments his eyes perfectly. Fitz, Tam, and Wylie stand beside him. My eyes automatically flicker to the side of Wylie expecting to see a short, strawberry-blonde boy. I ignore the throbbing in my chest and keep my gaze locked onto my soon-to-be-husband.

Keefe's perfect ice-blue eyes are glassy with tears as I'm sure mine are as well. We arrive at the altar, Grady places my hand in Keefe's and gives me a little kiss on the cheek. I smile at him and watch him take a seat next to a crying Edaline. I lock eyes with Keefe and hold back a sniffle. He gives me one of his beautiful side smirks, we both turn to Bronte to start the ceremony.

The bitter man clears his throat, "We are gathered here today to celebrate the love between these two people. When I first met the two of them I despised them, to say the least. As I have gotten to know them, to see them grow into the wonderful people they are, I have grown to love them. Both of these people have shown true courage, love, and strength throughout the years of their lives. Now if you two have prepared vows for one another?"

Fitz hands Keefe a piece of paper, "Alright, um, okay. Foster, I first met you in the halls of Foxfire, I was skipping class and you had burned yourself trying, and failing, at an alchemy project." that earns a laugh from everyone including myself. "I remember riding with you on Silveny's back, I remember feeling so terrified when you came out of that dark cave half dead, I remember falling in love with you, I remember every little smile you have made at one of my stupid jokes. I remember your gorgeous brown eyes, your adorable snort when you laugh, I remember and cherish every little thing about you. I love you and I promise to love you forever."

"Sophie?" Bronte turns to me.

"Keefe, you have been my best friend for the longest time. You helped me so much when I first came here. You were there to make me laugh and smile when I am balling my eyes out, you always know the perfect way to calm me down," I wipe a tear from underneath my eye not caring about Biana's stupid makeup. "I honestly do not know where I would be in my life without you. I spent too much time denying every romantic feeling for you, and I want to make that up by being with you forever."

Bronte gives us one of his rare smiles, "Now the rings." He faces towards my fiance. "Keefe Sencen, do you take Sophie Elizabeth Foster, to be your loving wife, through sickness and health, until death parts you?"

Keefe takes my hand in his and slips the ring onto my finger, "I do."

"And do you, Sophie Elizabeth Foster, take Keefe Sencen to be your loving husband, through sickness and health, until death parts you?"

I mimic Keefe's previous actions, "I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss one another."

I pull Keefe in by the lapels smashing our lips together, he wraps his arms around my waist and I move mine up around his shoulders. I smile into the kiss and lean my forehead against his. I look into his eyes and laugh lightly. We break apart and link fingers, we walk together out of the tent and into the beautiful fields.

Oh my goodness, I think this was by far my most favorite chapter to write! Two more to go :,( Thank you all to are still reading this!!


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