Operation Jealousy

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Linh's Pov

I can't believe I did that to Sophie! I feel like such an awful friend, I mean I cheated with her boyfriend. How shallow could I get? What was I thinking? I wasn't thinking! I have liked Fitz Vacker since the day I met him. I mean how could I not? He's handsome, sweet, caring, loyal, smart, pretty much the perfect person. When he came to me after Sophie said she hated him and all of us I couldn't resist trying to help him. Then when he looked up at me with his brilliant teal eyes there was no stopping myself. It was like I wasn't controlling my body, I knew it was wrong. I knew Sophie would end up hurt, but I didn't pull away when he kissed me. I couldn't. I was finally kissing my dream guy! If Tam found out he would flip. I just don't know how I'm gonna make it up to her. To be fair though she did cheat on Fitz with Keefe, although I guess that's a bit different. Considering that she lost all of her memories about all of us. It doesn't make what she did right though! It doesn't make what I did right either. I drag myself out of bed dreading breakfast this morning. Fitz had told me that she broke up with him. He was pissed. I throw on a sundress, the color of teal.

I then put my hair into cute bubble braids

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I then put my hair into cute bubble braids. After getting dressed I gather all the courage I can muster and walk downstairs to the dining hall. Almost everyone is there, the only people missing are Sophie, Keefe, and Fitz. I take a seat beside Biana who is talking to Tam, the whole room feels different without Dex's clinking gadgets that he would fiddle with. I can tell that it will get better, it has to. Edaline, Grady, Mr. Forkle, and all of the other parents (minus the Songs and the Sencens) walk into the room taking their seats. Edaline snaps her fingers and makes platters of food appear. I take a slice of mallowmelt, a few butterblasts, and Porcaroot Pie. In my glass, it is filled with lushberry juice. Everyone is chatting and laughing, Biana is finally turning back into her normal self, although losing Dex was still extra hard for her especially. I would hear her crying in her room every night after calling him on his imparter. I've done that a few times too. Sophie comes walking down the stairs surprisingly really happy. She comes to sit next to me.

"Sophie! How'd you sleep?" I exclaim.

"Great. Although also not so great," she yawns.

I look at her questioningly, "Why 'also not so great'?" I ask.

She drops her voice so no one else can hear, "I sorta broke up with Fitz last night. He was not happy at all."

I gasp although I already knew, "Really? What happened?"

"I mean I know what happened between you and him, and I know that it wasn't your fault. I get it. Anyways there was that, and also whenever we were together he would get so protective of me and jealous whenever I hung out with Keefe or Tam, or Dex, " she pauses after Dex's name letting there be a short amount of silence, "Plus he acted as though he owned me like I was his shiny new toy. I don't want to be with someone who only loves me because I'm the 'most powerful elf in the world'. And he was pressuring me into telling him who my Mom is. I can't do that I-I just can't."

"Wow, that's a lot to take in," I comment, "What about you and Keefe?"

Sophie turns her head away to unsuccessfully hide her blush, "We are just friends."

"Friends sure," I scoff.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sophie laughs.

I turn away, "Oh nothiiiiiing."

"Come on Linh! What do you mean by 'friends sure'?" she imitates me almost perfectly.

"You mean you and Keefe aren't together?" I giggle.

Her face goes bright red, "I- Well, um, yeah."

I smile victoriously, "I knew it!"

Sophie grins shyly, "Yeah we don't want anyone to know right now, I mean with everything that is happening with Fitz you know?"

"Don't worry! I won't say a thing!" I mime zipping my lips, locking them, and throwing the key away.

"Thanks," she breathes.

I nod and we keep giggling and talking about her and Keefe. She tells me how much happier she is with him, and that with Fitz she always was almost checking to make sure everything she was doing was ok to do.

Fitz's Pov

I walk down the stairs into the dining room quietly. No one notices anyway. Biana is chatting away with Tam, Sophie and Linh are giggling about some girly thing probably. Keefe isn't down here. Wylie is talking with Edaline and Marella about how happy they are that everything is almost over. I'm happy to see that Biana is happier, ever since Dex died she has been down in the dumps, it's nice to see her smile. I glance over to see Sophie flush tomato red, they must be talking about boys. That sturs up anger and jealously in me. I know that they are talking about Keefe, I mean Sophie just broke up with me sooooo... wait. An idea sparks in my head, what if I use Linh to make Sophie jealous! Once she sees me happy with one of her best friends then I'm sure she will come crawling back to me. I get set on how I will ask out Linh, I mean I already cheated on Sophie with her so I can just tell her that I want her more than Sophie, although there is no way that I can like, no love anyone more than Sophie. Operation Jealousy is a go!

I am so sorry for not updating in a while I have been really stressed and busy and I just needed some time away. If anyone likes IT I am writing Reddie one-shots, its called Forever or Never. 


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