Training Day

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Wylie's Pov

I wake up to screaming outside. I step out of bed and stumble to my closet. Not being fully awake I throw on the closest tunic and pants I can find. I walk towards the door and run into Lihn.

"Sorry," I mumble.

"Goodmorning," she replies.

I start walking down the halls with her, "Do you know what that scream was?"

"I'm sure it's nothing," Lihn shrugs unnervingly calm, "If it were the Neverseen then the alarms would have been going off."

In the common room plates filled with food are set on the table. Dex and Biana are there blushing like crazy, Fitz looks like he is about to explode, Lihn starts gathering some water so that if things get too out of hand she can cool them off, and Marella is leaning back on a chair eating Butterblasts and looking very amused.

"What is going on?" I ask.

"Nothing," Dex and Biana say a little too quickly.

Marella scoffs beside me, "Suuuuuure, and that's why Fitz looks like he wants to murder Dex."

The golden boy shoots a piercing glare at her. Lihn splashes him with a tiny wave of water.

"I'll tell you what's going on," Marella offers.

Biana glances at Dex and he shakes his head quickly, "Please don't!"

"Too late," I cut in, "Now you have to tell me or I will be reporting that you two-" I point between the red-haired boy and teal eyed girl- "to the Collective, I'm sure that they wouldn't want two kids sneaking off when three of their most valued members are gone."

"I would hardly call Keefe valuable," Fitz grumbles.

I ignore him and turn to Marella, "Now what were you saying?"

"Well, Dex and Biana here were off on a midnight stroll no doubt to have some smooching time then Fitzy over here got sooooooo mad and caught them. And then I heard some screaming while I was trying to have a peaceful breakfast and now here we are," She explains going to each of the people while narrating.

Lihn takes in a deep breath, "I think that we all need to have some food and start training."

We all nod and sit down at the table. I pick up a plate and start adding some treats as well as a big spoonful of a blueish-greenish goop like the responsible adult I am. We eat in silence. Lihn sits next to an empty chair that would have been Tam's if he were here, next to her is Fitz, then two empty seats that would have belonged to Sophie and Keefe, Biana is next to Keefe's empty chair, Dex beside her, Marella is next to me and Dex. The room feels incomplete without Keefe's jokes, Tam's glares at Keefe, Sophie trying to focus on her congate book with all the chaos around her. You could cut the tension in this room with a knife.

 Our wrinkly leader steps into the room with Grady and Edaline behind. Sophie's parents hadn't come out of their rooms ever since their daughter had claimed that she wanted to stay with Everblaze and that she was happy and they had found out their other supposedly dead daughter is actually alive and has been for 19 years. Mr. Forkle clears his throat to gain our attention.

"Today we are going to train as hard as we ever have before," he pauses, "Even if our Moonlark does not want to come back we must try our hardest to rescue her, Mr. Scencen, and Mr. Song."

Edaline lets out a choked sob and melts into Grady's arms. He strokes her back and murmurs comforting words into her ear.

"What's our plan?" Fitz asks.

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