Runic Blaze

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Tam's Pov

I wake up in a dusty attic. Sophie is on the other side unconscious. I crawl over to her my back killing me. I can't remember what happened, why I'm here. All I do remember is teleporting to the weird ceremony and seeing Sophie rising out of the fire. She groans and rolls over to face me.

"What happened? Where am I?" she moans.

"I don't know. All I remember is seeing you levitating over Everblaze," I reply.

Sophie gasps and screams holding her head. I pat her back softly trying to comfort her. She clings to me and I shift uncomfortably not liking the hug.

"W-w-why did you g-guys come?" she whimpers.

"We were trying to save you! I can't believe you were going to pledge your loyalty to them! Why would you do that? What did they tell you?" I panic.

"They helped me, Tam! They saved me. They showed me that they were the right cause and that the Black Swan are the enemies. I don't understand why you all would come and ruin all of it! Keefe and I were happy that we were there," Sophie sobs.

"What do you mean?" I shout, "Do you not remember what they did to us? Or your human parents?"

"It was the Black Swan who hurt us! They kidnapped my parents and almost killed them. Why would you ever trust them?" she whispers.

"Sophie what are you talking about? The Neverseen did all of that! Don't you remember Forkle? The person who created you?" I try to reason.

She just shakes her head and goes back to sobbing, "I have to get back, Jolie is probably worried about me."

Sophie levitates to the top of the attic and drops down creating a void just big enough for her to go in before it closes I don't think I just jump.

Biana's Pov

After the rainbow blast, all of us were somehow like teleported to the tree hideout area. I look around, everyone was there except Tam and Sophie. I sit up my head all cloudy. We were so close! How could we have let them go? How did that even happen? Keefe stands up and screams in frustration. He walks over to a tree and kicks it, hard.

"Alright everyone, I know this didn't go as planned but we need to go in and check for injuries. I need to research more about the Runic Blaze." Mr. Forkle announces, "That is the thing that Tam and Sophie made."

Everyone follows Forkle except for Keefe, I see Fitz look back at him and he looks mad. I vanish and hide behind a tree so I can see what is going to happen. Fitz walks over to a crying Keefe.

"What happened?" Fitz shouts.

"T-t-they took her m-m-memory. S-she's not Sophie anymore," Keefe sobs.

"How could you let that happen?! I trusted you! Even though I didn't have a choice I trusted you my best friend to take care of my girlfriend!" Fitz yells.

"I didn't let it happen! They whipped her memory when I was sedated.  You don't understand, but I care about Sophie too!" Keefe shoots using Sophie's real name, "What's your problem?"

"Exactly that! I know you have feelings for Sophie. You better back off! Because Sophie. Is. Mine!" Fitz growls.

"Sorry. I didn't know that Sophie was an object that you could own," Keefe sneers rolling his eyes.

"I am done dealing with you! Feel free to find another best friend!" Fitz shouts and punches Keefe in the face.

Keefe doesn't retaliate he just stands there taking the blows. I couldn't stay hidden any longer. I reappear and stomp over to Fitz.

"Stop! Stop it right now! You're hurting him! He didn't do anything wrong!" I cry grabbing his hands.

"Biana stop it's fine if he wants to take his anger out on me let him. I deserve it anyway," Keefe mumbles.

I give up and instead run to the base of one of the huge trees and yell, "Ro help! Fitz is beating up Keefe!"

I hear a thumping sound as the Ogre Princess runs to the opening. I jump out of the way just in time for Ro to leap through the hole and bolts toward where Keefe lays on the ground unconscious and Fitz standing over him. I follow her with Grizel leading. 

Sorry I haven't posted for a while! Hope you like the new chapter!


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