I Wish I Didn't Have to Say Goodbye

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Keefe's Pov

I can't believe she was right there, she said she loved me, I believed her. How could I be so stupid? How could I think someone as wonderful and amazing as she would actually considering being with me? I knew she was going to end up with Wonderboy, so why did I think I had a chance? Because her heart tells me a different story, I remind myself.  I can't understand why her emotions were so conflicted when she said she blamed everything on me. Does she blame everything on me? How could she not feel anything when I kissed her? Why did she not feel what I feel? All I want to do is hide in this stupid room, in this stupid nice prison, and die. I can't though, I can't give up on her, on what might be an us. The door to my room is thrown open.

"Good afternoon, Keefe. The sky sure is beautiful isn't it?" Brant smiles a cool, evil grin.

I turn sharply  to him and throw him a smirk trying to cover up my hurt, "Just as beautiful as me huh?"

His smile quickly turns to a frown, "You know you will do what we tell you or your little girlfriend will pay dearly. I happen to remember the last time she looked death in the eyes she almost didn't make it," he clicks his tongue, "We wouldn't want to take that chance again would we?"

"Foster's strong, she can handle anything," I cover my worry with determination.

"So you are saying that you would want to risk the Moonlarks life again?" Brant questions.

I feel sick to my stomach, "No, I'll do it. What will I be doing again?"

"You will see," Brant chuckles, "Until then have fun with your blonde-haired beauty."

The pyromaniac stalks out of my room swishing his cape behind him. I think back to the six thrones with the star in the middle, in the middle of the star was a rainbow throne. It seems like all of the elements or whatever they are planning to do will leak into that middle area, whoever is going to be sitting there, I feel sorry for them. I jump as a pile of books land next to me. I guess I'll be spending the rest of my afternoon reading filth by Daddy Dearest.

Sophie's Pov

I stare out of my window at the ice-blue sky, the same shade of Keefe's eyes. Tears fill my brown ones as I think of every horrible thing I said to him. Why can't things just be easy like before Everblaze had come along? A sharp noise cuts me out of my thoughts. Jolie in all of her snobby, evil glory stands before me.

"Beautiful day is it not?" her chipper voice asks.

I shrug, "Why are you here again?"

"I need to get you dressed for tonight!" Jolie squeals.

I groan. She pulls me up off of the floor a bit harder than necessary. Jolie shoves me into a dressing room where only one dress is displayed on a mannequin. A sleek silver gown that is super shiny and tight, and a glowing silver circlet.

 A sleek silver gown that is super shiny and tight, and a glowing silver circlet

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