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Sophie's Pov

There is noise all around us, music playing, people talking, glasses clinking. All of that is drowned out when I look at my husband's face. After we had our first dance and everyone made their toasts, Keefe and I finally got to sit down in one of the back corners of the tent. Silveny, Greyfell, and the babies prance around the sanctuary happily. Silveny kept flooding Sophie's mind with chants of 'KEEFE! KEEFE! KEEFE! SOPHIE! SOPHIE! SOPHIE! MARRIED!'. The fake sun made to mimic outside of the mountain is setting casting a gorgeous glow on my husband's figure.

"Penny for your thoughts?" he asks softly.

I play with his fingers, "I-I am just so lucky to have you."

He gives me a breathtakingly sweet smile, "Diddo."

"You know what I just realized? We are now officially Sophie and Keefe Sencen-Foster."

He hums happily and kisses me deeply, "I don't think I could ever be happier than I am right at this moment."

"Me neither."

I nuzzle into the crook of his neck and close my eyes trying to savor this memory. I know as soon as we get home I will be copying this into my journal. It's a rare feeling, I feel completely peaceful, absolutely safe, happy, it's almost indescribable. I want to laugh, cry, smile, and scream at the top of my lungs all at the same time. I feel his arms wrap around my shoulders and squeeze tightly. He tucks his face into the top of my head, his chin rests lightly on the braided crown Biana had weaved into my skull for the ceremony.

Marella stumbles into us, ruining the moment, her words slur together as she smiles at the two of us, "You two are shoooooo cute together. Are you guys gonna have kiiiiiiids? They would be pretty good-looking kids. I wish I was your kid. Can you adopt me pwease?"

Keefe and I exchange a look and burst out into laughter. I wave Biana over to take the drunken girl away.

"Biana, would you mind keeping an eye on this one here? Make sure she doesn't have anything else to drink?" I try to stifle a giggle.

"Wha-bu-but Sophiiiiiiiiiiieeeee. I wanna nother fizzle pop," she hiccups. "You're the worst mama ever. I take it back. I want you to un-adopt me."

Keefe leans over to me, "Do you think it was a mistake to have an open bar?"

"Nah, I find this extremely entertaining," I whisper back.

Biana drags Marella away from our table only for her to be replaced by Fitz. I sigh a bit in annoyance. Sure it's nice to have the family everywhere and stuff, but I want at least a little bit of alone time with my hubby. I guess that's what a honeymoon is for.

Keefe seems to sense the emotion, well, of course, he does, he's an empath, "Hello Fitzy-Poo, how can we help you?"

"I just really wanted to say congrats. I know we had a rough patch and I know I was a jerk. I was just wondering if maybe, Sophie, do you want to try training to rebuild our conjugate bond?" he asks nervously.

I am taken aback by the sudden out-of-the-blue question, "I-I don't know. I'll, I'll have to think about it for a bit?"

"That is totally 100 percent understandable. And Keefe, I, in no way, mean to make you feel uncomfortable at all so if you would rather me and Sophie not do this it's totally fine."

"Well, it's totally up to Foster then because I sure can't tell her what to do," Keefe smiles at me lovingly.

"I'm not making any promises, but I'll think about it," I lean against my husband, a sudden wave of fatigue washing over me.

Fitz leaves us to go dance with Linh, Tam and Wylie are on the dance floor as well as Biana and Marella. It was more like Biana was trying to keep Marella upright, and from not projectile vomiting all over the wooden dance floor.

I stand up and reach out for Keefe's hand, "Care to dance?"

"I would be honored."

We make our way onto the floor as a new song starts to play, I place one hand on Keefe's shoulder and the other in his hand. He pulls me close to him so we are practically nose to nose. Our foreheads rest against each other and we sway back and forth to the beat of the music. Both of us know that if Keefe ever tried to spin me or move at a faster pace I would probably somehow end up with a serious injury. I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling of complete bliss without any worry at all. I can feel my husband exhale in a sigh and I open my eyes to meet his. A grin spreads onto his face and I lean in to peck him on the nose.

"So how does it feel to be shacked up Mrs. Foster-Sencen?" he asks.

I bite my lip as a blush crawls up my neck, "It feels like everything I could ever wish for and more."

"Me too," Keefe manages to twirl me around and dip me gracefully without embarrassing us both. "And you want to know what my favorite part about being married is?"


"I am now officially a Foster. We are officially a family."

I smile even wider, "Keefe, we were always a family. In my heart, you were always a Foster."

He chuckles, "And now you have to bear the name of Sencen. Have fun dealing with our family reunions."

"I can't wait."

The song ends and I drag him off to get some food. People congratulate us on our way to the buffet that we had organized. Lots of people are scattered around, chatting with one another, eating, dancing, laughing. It's a perfect night. A perfect way to celebrate the love that we have for each other. Keefe leans down for a second to whisper in my ear.

"Have you ever thought about having children?"

I nod, "Yeah, I guess. I mean I've never really wanted them, but I can see us having kids. I would love to see a mini you running around."

"Oh please, if anything I can't wait to have a mini you running around. I bet they would always be stressing about the smallest things, tugging their eyelashes, always finding a way to injure themselves," he teases.

I swat him on the arm, "You are mean. But yes, if you are asking if I would like to have children with you then my answer is yes."

"Glad we are in an agreement then."

One more to go! Sorry, this took so long to write, I have a two-week theatre intensive summer camp that is going on and it's all day. Hope you like this!


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