Chapter 1 - Into the Storm

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Y/N had landed himself on the exact coordinates Travis had left behind, the message itself didn't matter but where he stood is where the message was sent from a week or so ago. He listened to the locals babble on the bus ride over about hunters and hikers disappearing in the woods this deep into the mountain scape, those who did make it back where sent to a asylum for uttering such absurdities like lycans and cultists.

While the bus left him behind, a unscheduled stop for the driver, Y/N sighed and pocketed his phone.

Y/N: {Thoughts} Travis... You better be screwing around with some European model cause im gonna be really upset with your dumbass...

Y/N peered over a guard rail, a narrow trail in the snow leading off the slope into the woods, a faint red dusted by the fresh white is barely visible through the dead shrubbery.

Y/N hops the rail sliding his way down to the trail below, the red he was a scarf lightly buried alongside a few other random odds and ends like mittens and hats but this only told Y/n somes bag must've fallen open or it was tossed off the road.

Until stepping forwards something beneath the white sheet tripped, face first into the fluff. He wiped his face looking down into the snow to find something staring back.

An eyeball frozen into shape, the brown pupil dulled by frost. He spits off to the side as he quickly stands up, fearing he got a random eyeball in his mouth not only disgusted him but the shivers along his spine didn't help.

Y/N: No leads my ass... Cops just didn't find an eyeball out here and no fucking body to go with it?!... {Thoughts} Travis has green eyes... Not his, but the scarf maybe...

Y/N collected himself, he reaches by his foot pulling a license plate free. Reviewing the european numerals it sparks something in Y/n's mind, quickly flipping through old messages with Travis he spots one of several selfies he'd sent him including him with a tour group in front a rental car.

After a moment he spotted the rental's plate that matched what the one found now. This was enough for him to move fowards, a few hours of daylight left and a trail that gave him his only lead. Y/n marched through the ankle deep snow upwards into the forest pushing branches aside as the wind picked up to a harsh degree.

He pushed on following the dip in the snow, the harsh winds whipping up frost that felt like glass shards against his face. He had been on the trail for over an hour now, following a large frosty ditch but it was the growing dark from the setting sun that made Y/n nervous.

The wind struck a few more times but on the fifth strike it pushed him to the side where he had to lean on a snowbank. To his surprise his arm fell through, glass shattered cutting through Y/n's glove straight to the palm of his hand

Y/n: {Thoughts} Well ow... Atleast my blood is warm, the fuck I-

Upon examination he found a car seat through the snow, with the use if his elbow he cleared the debris and found the inside deserted and dim. The glove compartment was barren, same went for the front and back seat but there was no doubt this was the car from the selfie; however, it was banged up and beyond recovery.... So how did it get so far from the highway?

Before Y/n knew it the sun was half way passed the mountain top, the shadow of the mountain growing larger whilst the crows bellowed against the wind as they observed Y/n inside their domain. No choice, this ruined car and possible murder/kidnapping scene was his shelter tonight.

- - - - - - - - - [ 6 hours later ] - - - - - - - - -

Y/n was laying the back seat of the car, a sleeping bag wrapped around his body up to his neck. A heater lamp resting on the floor so Y/n could sleep without concern.

The wind continued to howl outside but it was distant cracking of snow under boots that roused Y/n from his sleep. No voices, atleast none he could hear through the wind but he had no choice but to peek out from the back of the car

He went as far as shutting off his lamp to reduce light and held his Beretta against his chest but he was greeted by sheer darkness, coincidentally as he peeked his head out the sound of boots on snow stopped.

Y/N: {Thoughts}.... Maybe it was just a buck... Your not on the field anymore... Your not on the field anymore...

Y/n returned to his make shift bunk Beretta still hand and lantern off, no matter how much he told himself it was it was just the wildlife the twitching behind his eyes kept him awake in the dark... Listening.... Waiting....


From his stupor, Y/n was cannonballed back into reality as the car alarm went off. The headlights blinked in rhythm with the horn, before he could act he could of sworn a figure was standing in the bushes.

A face repeatedly illuminated by the blinking lights, hidden behind thin branches starring back at him. But just as soon as he realized it the figure was gone yet the thunderous orchestra of the car remained.

Y/n hopped out holding his Beretta high.

Y/N: Oi! I don't care who you are, come on out... Look I have no beef with you im just looking for my friend... Black hair, 5'9... Cuban fellow....... {Thought} Your shouting at the wind fuckweed!

The alarm ran it's course falling silent, Y/n now stood staring into the abyss.... And he could feeling staring back at him... But not him... It wasn't looking at him as much as it was maybe-


The car lurched and jolted fowards in a single bound, Y/n felt the headlight break against his lower back as he pinned under it.

He coughed. snow in his face, Beretta out of reach, and now a sickly growling came from behind him followed by the pain of metal being clawed. Y/n's breath quickened as he struggled for his gun but the bumper had pressed down and the growling turned to snarls.

His gun was nearing his fingertips, but it wouldn't matter. It was only now did he see it, 12 sets of glowing eyes pierced the dark focused on the trapped man followed by what can only be described as a howl of otherworldly wrath ripped through the air behind him.

Y/N: jesus fuck....

The only words that could describe the situation, but all his struggling was not for loss... Or maybe it was.

The snow crackled and the car began to slide, the frozen earth began to crumble as the car slide down the embankment. Whatever creature had him trapped was swallowed by the fall first, then the car as Y/n felt the pressure lift.

Y/n: {Thoughts} Gotta move! Gotta. Get. Away!

Just as he found his footing, misfortune follows suit by pulling him down for the third to tumble.

The crumbling earth sent Y/n tumbling, he only saw his world spin wildly and could only hear the wind amd car as the alarm surged to life again as if to mock him before the end.

What felt like an hour came to sudden stop, face meeting a cold surface. A frozen river to lay on as the taste of copper filled his mouth, blood running from his nose, but it was the sounds that worried him more.

The single spiteful howl from before had become a dozen and they grew loudly. No gun, no supplies, an army of darkness behind.... He could only run.


End of Chapter. 1

< Word Count : 1334 >

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