Chapter 23 - Dollhouse Pt.2

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Y/n studied the room, looking at the horror-esk christmas scene in front of him but more importantly trying to find where the demon baby went.

There was a skittering in the walls as Y/n approached the christmas tree where the coffin sat alone. He knelt down beside it running a finger along the the silk ribbon ribbon just as the santa claus mannequin starts singing a slurred mechanical rendition of Jingle Bells.

Y/n walked over to the Santa Clause listening to the song as it did stir some cheerful memories, then he hears it... The childish giggle... Not a demonic giggle but one of genuine glee.

Turning around he saw a small blonde child, maybe 6 or 7 years old playing with a toy firetruck underneath the tree where the coffin once was.

Y/n paused watching the little boys cheer turn to concern as he watched two shadows on the wall. The shadows mimicked a man and a woman, their argument started in hushed voices but quickly escalated into a shouting match; meanwhile, the boy sat quietly and played with his new toy.

Male Shade: I have to work... Work!...

Female Shade: Christmas!... Family?... Liar, just go already...

Y/n knelt beside the young child and the child turned to him and spoke in a sad tone.

Child: Did I do something wrong?...

Y/n blinked and his hand was resting on the coffin now, the voices gone same as the child.

Then the Santa started laughing so did his elf, the deep belly laugh as Y/n looked at the scene with sorrow.

Y/N: Please... Shut up...

The laughing was persistent, Y/n stood up with a dead expression and walked towards the elf whose head turns to look at him.

Y/n raised his hand towards the Elf and received a smack upside the head from Santa with a fire poker, which actually bent upon impact instead of harming Y/n. Then more laughing as Santa started laughing again and the baby from before was sitting on the coffin giggling with a red glow to its infant eyes.

Y/n started chuckling, he looked to the mannequins and laughed more. He looked at the baby and laughed harder, the fireplace seemed to really liven up with a hot light as the four of them began laughing with insane glee.

Y/n put a hand on Santa shoulder and another on the Elf's chair, the whole time laughing but Santa laughing slowed as he saw electricity rippling across Y/n eyes stretching to both hands.

Y/N: Hahahahahah... Oh! Hohohoho. Haha. Ha. Ha. FUCKING HA!

A swift blue burst emitted from Y/n body as the three occupants: Santa, Elf, and Baby all took a hit from a enraged electrical surge resulting in all three exploding in a cloud of drywall like dust and cotton filler.

Y/n looked around the new dusty as hell room, pulling his hand off the chair the once red fabric had a large charred black handprint. He went back to the coffin and wiped the burning cotton off it and finally opened it to find... A standard, run-of-the-mill, could be found in any restaurant kitchen fire extinguisher.

Y/n looked at the fire extinguisher and the one fire in room, taking the device he pulled pin and unleashed the white cloud putting the fire out leaving the only light in the room was given off by the christmas lights.

Y/n had to use his dinky flashlight to reveal a tunnel behind the fireplace, small but narrow enough he'll fit through with some effort.

Getting halfway through the tunnel towards a grid of light at the end Y/n sighed.

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