Chapter 11 - Saviors or Suffering?

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Y/n was sitting in a common room that overlooked the village, there hadn't been any movement for awhile besides lycans.

The lycan life seemed to be searching the area for something or someone.

Y/N: {Thoughts} Someone down there was moving people to a safe house... But where and who? Not Travis, he lacks the basic training and empathy to do that same could be said for Heisenberg.... They evaded conflict this long so either they scoped this place out to know all the safe paths or they have a greater deal of discretion... All of this is hypothetical sadly...

Y/n was shaken from his thoughts as the door to the room opened and Alcina walked in.

Alcina: Hello Darling, I was wonder where you wondered off too this morning

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Alcina: Hello Darling, I was wonder where you wondered off too this morning.

Y/N: No need to concern over me love just observing... Say am I the only one to wonder into town recently.

Alcina: Hm? Well not long ago Moreau found the corpse of an outsider in the reservoir, eaten from the waist down... Couldn't care less but the insignia on his back peaked Mother Miranda's interest... Its hard to remember though...

Y/N: Maybe I can help spark that memory~

He gives her a sly smiles as he stands on chair to meet her eye to eye, he kisses her deeply, she letting his tongue in to explore her mouth as the two embrace passionately.

Soft muffled moans pass Alcina's lips as Y/n runs his fingers through her long silky black hair. She rests her hands on his shoulders as she reluctantly pulls away from her lover.

Alcina: Sadly no luck, all I remember is Monreau standing beside Mother Miranda all giddy about a new test he'd been running with the cadou...

Y/N: Cadou?

Alcina: The one time i wish Heisenberg or Moreau was here, god forgive, a parasitic anomaly that transforms the host much like myself... It gives us our unique qualities, but were only as powerful as Miranda let's us...

Y/n was silent for a moment, he stepped off the chair and looked over the village.

Y/N: Well leaves me no choice then... I need to pay Moreau a visit.

Alcina: My dear I protest! Moreau is a cretin who desires Mother Miranda's love over all else... With no shadow of a doubt he'd sooner devour you without a second thought let alone negotiate his projects with you.

Y/N: is that right?... Keep the bed warm for me gorgeous and tell the girls to guard the castle, only I come in and out.

He reaches up caressing Alcina's cheek, she blushes and signs understanding his determination will not fault here.

Alcina: And am I to wait for what?

Y/N: Your going to call Miranda and spin a web for me, specifically that I am in the village... Gathering survivors~

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