Chapter 2 - The Affliction

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It wasn't easy, boots on ice in a sprint for your life but he made it look like an olympic sport. The terrifying fact still stood, no sign of his enemy but the feral sounds echoing through the darkness knew he was being hunted by something worse then a wolf or mountain lion.

His flashlight was as useful as a candle right now, he was lucky to see his feet at this point.

Y/N: {Thoughts} This is fucked! I'm fucked! Travis just what fuck did you find out here?!

Y/n tried to find an escape but the forest was so deep and dark it would be suicide.

On the other side there was a rocky bluff but if they could shove a car like a small child on a swing then they could out climb him without a doubt.

Before Y/n could plan an escape or seek any form of security a miraculous thing occured. The one other source of light that was still on the rise, the sun preparing to breach the mountain crest was shadowed by something horrendous.

The giant creature that bounded over the cliffs edge eclipsed the dawn in front of Y/n. Smashing down on the ice in front, knocked off his feet he looked up upon a monster.

A giant feral looking werewolf like creature but he wore a hooded jacket and carried an hammer that would put a guillotine to shame.

All the air in his body froze, the sheer sight of this thing paralyzed him

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All the air in his body froze, the sheer sight of this thing paralyzed him. The creature was soon surrounded by a multitude of similar creatures, hairy feral beings that resembled humans.

The dozen he thought he heard were revealed to be atleast 30 - 40 of these lycans. The sun rose and the Alpha howled, his hammer followed as he aimed to bring it down on Y/n.

Y/N: Nope!

Kicking off the Alpha's knee he pushes himself back evading the colossal heap of spiked metal.

The Alpha, now annoyed, makes three more advances smashing the ice field but each strike is narrowly evaded by Y/n's agility. Now with a small window he pulls the knife from his boot and plunges it upside the head of the Alpha with a vicious wet shuck.

There was a pause, the Alpha's eyes turn to Y/n, then he received a violent back hand.

Y/n ragdolled through the air, landing back flat to the ice, the once hitched breath now sprung free from the impact. He gasped and spit blood onto snow, a lycan took this chance to take swipe at the fallen protagonist but misses and in return Y/n boot lands square in the lycan's chest.

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