Chapter 12 - A Veteran's Wisdom

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Y/n was following the trail signs towards something called the ceremony site. He found a himself at a bridge where the three lycan guards stand between him and the large wooden doors with six-black wings decorating the front.

The three lycan guards charge and y/n whips out Samurai edge, he shot the first lycan in the head three times and it dropped dead.

The second lycan surged forwards but got tripped by y/n as he ducked the axe it had and tripped it so he could fire three bullets into the third lycan who followed after the second.

Once the third was dead he went back the remainder and narrowly evaded another axe to the head, he shot the lycan in the spine dropping it to its knees. He stood behind it and delivered a double tap execution.

Y/n reloaded and noticed each lycan had a small bag if silver coin on them, better use for him then the dead.

Y/N: {Thoughts} I am really out of touch but... Im getting back into the flow of it...

He cheerfully flipped his gun but, like a dork, he dropped it and he scrambled to pick it up before anyone saw. Y/n cleared his throat, he awkwardly then walked to the gates and undid the latch.

Pushing through he's greeted by a familiar face sitting in a wagon in front of 4 statues.

Duke: Ahh~ Mr. Callahan, how was your trip through the village?

Y/N: How did you- ya know what, nevermind. It was fruitful, turns out the people gathering survivors are outsiders... However, their 'stuck' in the reservoir trying to contact the outside world-

Duke: With a transmitter?

Y/N: ... Yes, how did you know?

Duke gives Y/n a slight grim expression on his face as he reaches behind him and shows off his recent purchase.

Duke: Travis sold it too me

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Duke: Travis sold it too me... Said it was a disarmed artifact from the outside world, found it beside a burnt down house

Y/N: Duke that means Travis was here less then an hour ago.

Duke: Indeed-

Y/N: That house was still burning when I got there... So unless he was there when the fire started and people were dying or he didn't get that device from where he said...

Duke: ... I believe you...

Y/N: Wait, just like that?

Duke: Let me summarize, ive known Travis for a week or so and in the day ive known you... I know who the fox and who the rat is... One is cunning but true, the other is waiting for the war to end so he can reap the corpses for rewards...

Y/N: Thank you Duke... Does the transmitter still work?

Duke: Sadly I believe not, see i noticed some damage along the antenna and ive seen no similar appendage in the village... Im afraid you have more of a alarm clock rather then a radio now...

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