Chapter 31 - Frisky Business Mega Chapter 🍋

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Stepping below into the dungeon of Heisenberg factory closing in on the voice he heard till he came up to a set of double steel doors and upon opening them.

Y/N: Goddamit Claire...

Claire: Hey good to see you big guy... Mind helping us out?

Claire said while strapped to a chair by warped rebar rods.

Y/N: Us?

???: Wait Y/n?

Looking across the room behind the bars of a makeshift prison cell stood an old friend.

Y/N: Jill? What the hell are you doing here?!

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Y/N: Jill? What the hell are you doing here?!

Jill: Could ask you the same thing... What happened to you?

Y/N: Let's... Just go back to the castle... It's been a day...

Claire: Awesome! I knew you could kick magneto's ass... Where are you going?...

Claire asked as Y/n walked to Jill cell and pulled the gate off its hinges.

Jill: Wow you got-

Y/N: Infected?....

Jill face turned quickly to one of shame as she heard him.

Y/N: We'll discuss it later... Right now i need you to wait outside while I have a talk with Claire...

Jill: Oh uh... Yeah sure...

Jill stepped outside the room as Y/n sat in front of Claire and sighed before brushing hair aside her face.

Y/N: Your not hurt?

Claire: Oh come on im a Redfield-

Y/N: Claire.

Claire: ........ Yeah im okay.....

Y/N: Good... Good... Now I can tell you how STUPID that was of you!

Claire: I was concerned about you, asshole!

Y/N: Which I appreciate but charging a super freaks factory with no back up? Claire...

Claire: When you fell into the chasm... I got scared...

Her voice cracked, Y/n saw the hurt in her eyes as she looked down clenching her fists, he sighed and leaned in resting his forehead against hers and smiled.

Y/N: You are so stubborn... But maybe that's why im so crazy about you~

Claire: What are- Mm!

Y/n silenced Claire with a kiss, she stiffened then slowly melted leaning into his touch. This seemed to go on for maybe 2 or 3 minutes until she pulled back to take a breath.

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