Chapter 18 - Sheva

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Chain links burst like shrapnel and bounce around the room, Claire pulled to cover by Sheva as Chris stands before a growing threat; literally.

Y/n howled in agony, weather it was physical or emotional was unclear but his size and abnormal features were evolving.

Chris shrunk next to Y/n now as his suit could be heard stretching.

Chris shrunk next to Y/n now as his suit could be heard stretching

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Chris lunged for the spark shot but his head was vice gripped by the single left hand on Viral Tyrant Y/N.

The orange eye in his forehead flicked around wildly as Y/n used Chris like a battering ram, bursting through his outpost like a bulldozer but the commotion startled the Hounds and they tried to stop him with a spray of bullets that bounced off him like flies to a zapper.


Viral Tyrant Y/n bulldozed through whatever got in his way using Chris' body to break wood walls and supports alike. Until he hit the end of the deck and the two splashed down back in the reservoir going under quickly.

Claire: Chris! Y/n!

Sheva: Guys?

Claire and Sheva looked into the unmoving water with distress, sometime passed before hands shot out gasping for air.

Claire & Sheva: Chris!

Chris swam up to them, they lifted him up on to the dock where he laid wheezing.

Then a second louder splash like a bomb going off underwater followed by the guttural tormented war cry of an inhuman soul.

They watched as Viral Tyrant Y/n flew out of the water and grabbed onto the Sluce gate pillar. His hands seem to crackle with electricity everytime he reached higher to scale it further.

Viral Tyrant Y/n was now Nemesis sized!


Sheva: Well now we know why Umbrella was so interested in his therapy sessions!

Sheva holstered her knife and gun before diving into the water.

Chris: Sheva what the hell are you doing?!

Claire: We did this Chris... She's going to fix it, hopefully...

Sheva got to the pillar and with her superior agility scaled the warped metal after Y/n as he was last scene climbing on top of the gate exterior.

When she got to the point of reaching the top she stopped, it took a moment to realize it but the Viral Tyrant shouldn't be this quiet.

Just then a large hand comes over the edge, she narrowly evades it by jumping to another beam, Viral Tyrant Y/N looked at her his large orange eye staring daggers at Sheva.

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