Chapter 40 - From the Ashes

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- 7 Months Later -

Rumor had spread of a small Romanian village, some consider it's quaint style of life outdated and simplistic; however, to those bold enough to approach the minister of the land would find fertile soils and untouched forest at their disposal. 

Many of the souls that flock back to the land once  called squalor  are those claiming to have lost their family and homes to satanic flesh-devouring creatures but when the minister arrived the creatures suddenly vanished and he began rebuilding alongside the nobles who refused to abandoned their home.

Rumor has also lead many to believe that the protectors of these lands and the residents who turn to them for sanctuary, redemption, and thrive are not human yet none of the residents will comment on this tale weather it be annoyance over such nonsense or maybe a deeper loyalty.

Regardless to the why and how, the once ruined village was now rising from the ashes, the dead silence replaced by a call to action.

From the castle a soul wearing a trench coat, a large rimmed hat, black glasses, and sporting a majestic beard stepped out the courtyard gate and locked it behind him. He coughed and stepped back and picked up his walking cane, this soul radiated Father Mendez vibes but with a smaller beard and less rustic.

 He coughed and stepped back and picked up his walking cane, this soul radiated Father Mendez vibes but with a smaller beard and less rustic

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This soul was in fact Minister Y/n, the founding father of this rebuilt village. Y/n wasn't fully recovered but he was at least able to walk and breath on his own now but it seemed something was still wrong internally. Y/n walked through the frost and snow towards the village and was greeted by a familiar face who had been a pinnacle part of the rebuilding process.

Duke: Good morning M'lord, how are you feeling this today?

Y/N: Good morning Duke, been better but feeling good. Any word on that lumber shipment?

Duke: Within the week M'lord, Father Johns was actually looking for you today.

Y/N: Yes I heard, he's been looking for me for a awhile now... I'll see you tonight for drinks.

Duke: Sounds delightful M'lord, till then.

Duke then shut the doors of his wagon as Y/n travelled into the village. the once desolate war zone occupied only by beasts and the volatile mold was now occupied by simple folk. farmers, veterinarians, loggers, carpenters, and the such all working together to rebuild what was once lost.

As Y/n walked through the village he was greeted graciously regardless of his odd inhuman appearance, it may have been an awkward start but once Y/n shown the people what his intent was they quickly warmed up to his assistance and leadership.

Farmer: Good morning Minister.

Y/N: Good morning.

The farmer walked his cattle down the road as he passed Y/n, the sound of hammers on wood and chatter amongst neighbors was a beautiful change of pace for what Y/n had gone through months ago.

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