Chapter 9 - Bela

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Y/n grinned as he grabbed Lady Dimitrescu by her throat, this was the first she experienced the panic of being air born and being throat slammed to the floor.

The wooden floor splintered from the impact, as she slowly recovered from the vicious impact y/n noticed a glimmer in the fabric if her hat, her master key.

Y/n plucked it from her brim and give her a smile.

Y/N: Thanks for the key beautiful.

Lady Dimitrescu: You cannot... Take that dammit!

She punches y/n and the key clatters across the room, her claws come at him again but he evades and pulls out Samurai's edge.

Lady Dimitrescu: Your bullets have no power here fool!

Y/N: On you? Of course not, but your not the target.

Y/n fires twice as he separates the chandelier from the ceiling and lands on Lady Dimitrescu, she of course catches it with ease but the combined weight with the wounded floorboards  proves to much and collapses.

Lady Dimitrescu grabs a hold of the floor as she hangs over two stories to the dungeon.

Y/N: My military speciality was sabotage Alicia, it means harming you with touching you.

Lady Dimitrescu: Your cunning will run out soon enough, mother Miranda will-

Y/n silenced her with a deep kiss, as he broke her only hold on the floor and Dimitrescu fell to the dungeon level.

There was a loud boom followed by a cry of rage.

Lady Dimitrescu: You insolent bastard, when I get my hands on you!

Y/N: I don't know why... But I feel amazing~

He said hanging from the edge of the hole, crawling out and leaving the room y/n rushes down the hall following the map he finds the hall of pleasure which connected to the armory through the fireplace like Cassandra said.

Crawling through the fireplace Y/N found himself in a room full of armor. The biggest surprise was Bela sitting on a table beside his confiscated gear.

Bela: Long time no see big guy~

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Bela: Long time no see big guy~

Y/N: Bela, I should have figured you'd be here.

Bela: Mother put me in charge if overseeing the contraband... But i might be willing to pass it off for a trade?

Y/N: A trade huh and what would a simply gorgeous witch like yourself want?

Bela: Last time you were here, I never got my taste... It left me all alone and frustrated... You owe me that much~

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