Chapter 3 - Prisoner

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Within the decrepit village, where fires burn unattended and corpses lay strewn in the path, our protagonist lurked behind a fence as two lycans wielding sharp farm tools passed him by. Y/n watched through picket fence as they passed, on a nearby roof he saw a lycan walk across it holding a bow.

Y/n kept low as he crawled into a nearby house, pulling a bookshelf in front of the door the lycan with the bow jumped down and pushed on the door to no effect due to the blockade.

The grunts of annoyance were clear, the shadow passes over a boarded window, Y/n tucked himself behind a cupboard just before the lycan starts pulling on one of the boards off the window while Y/n took a deep breath holding his Beretta with a steady grip.

*Distant feminine scream*

That shrill siren shook the lycan, he took off after the prey a blur of beastly shadows followed suit.

Y/n let out a sigh of relief, prayers to soul who took the heat off him but now he could search the building.

Luckily in one of the drawers he found a new bottle of healing solution and spare 9mm rounds on a table.

Underneath a fallen desk Y/n came across a set of bolt cutters.

Underneath a fallen desk Y/n came across a set of bolt cutters

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Y/N: Probably could use these...

He slung them onto his belt and moved his barricade from the door and stepped outside.

A hand rips through the roof grabbing Y/N by the hair ripping him through the wood and hay. Pulled up a lycan with a shovel beats Y/n across the face with it sending him to the edge. He aims his gun backwards and fires a shot to the lycan's leg blowing out its knee.

Then fires three rounds into it face; however, the creature still had fight in it. The shovel came down but a narrow shot from Y/n's gun shatter the wood severing the metal head from the tool.

Y/n jumps up kicking the lycan in its wounded knee, it falters and kneels granting Y/n the chance to pistol whip the lycan across the mouth sending it rolling off the roof.

The lycan falls but another takes its place as an arrow nails a chimney less then a foot away from Y/n. The roofs across the village had a sentry each, a lycan with a bow and flaming arrows aimed his way.

Y/N: Cocksucker!

He jumps off the roof as several flaming arrows pelt the rooftop, landing on the lycan he smacked he cleans up his mess by firing off two more rounds in the back of the lycans head.

Y/n hopped the fence and bolted down the road, ahead of him a lycan on horse back came charging at him. Y/n fires off two shots as he detours down another road blocked by a tractor but he slides under it with practiced precision.

The horserider had lost his prey, meanwhile two lycan burst from a house Y/n was sprinting passed; however, the last bullet in his clip was a deadeye to the lantern above causing a cloud of ash and glass to blind them.

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