Chapter 30 - Deus Machina Finale

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Y/n dropped his jacket leaving his barren pale but muscular chest, Heisenberg twirled his hammer and the two charged one another.

Y/n received a hammer to the jaw that resulted in a thunderous strike, Y/n retaliated hitting Heisenberg in the stomach with a quick right hook to the ribs.

Heisenberg pulled a engine from the piles of scrap around them and flung it towards to Y/n head but with the electrified metal bar he batted it aside with some effort and Y/n sent it flying back at Heisenberg who smashes it out of the air.

Heisenberg: Not bad kid, I expected some fire but you've got a real inferno in y-

A vibrant blue flash shot through the air as Y/n threw the metal bar like a javelin surrounded with harsh lightning that struck Heisenberg in the face knocking his hat off.

More importantly half if Heisenberg face was a black and charred scar slowly recovering.

Heisenberg: Alright... My turn!

Heisenberg rushed Y/n and threw a volley of rebar, several spears of rusted steel that almost pierced Y/n body as he dodged aside taking cover behind a pile of sheet metal.

There was a moment of silence, Y/n paused catching his breath but when he didn't hear Heisenberg he became concerned. Pressing an ear to the metal wall he went to listen when suddenly a piece of rebar punched through an inch from his face.

Y/n fell back narrowly avoiding another spear, with not much choice he retreated back as another volley of rebar punched through the sheet wall like scissors through cheese cloth.

Heisenberg: Run little mouse, run! Before the cat sinks his claws in you!

Heisenberg was guiding Y/n to the wall where a he took the scaffolding and that stacked 8-stories high and pulled it down.

Y/N: Oh fu-


600-pounds of metal scaffolding was thrown on his head, after the crash was a long still silence only broken by Heisenberg mocking sorrow.

Heisenberg: Ohhhh boo hoo~ looks like the little hero couldn't withstand all-

Heisenberg drops a crane arm on top of the scaffolding with a loud boom adding another 2-tons to the pile burying Y/n.

Heisenberg: That heavy-

Heisenberg uses his magnetic abilities to crush and warp the scaffolding and crane arm into a single metal ball about the size of a boulder.

Heisenberg: Metal! Ha ha ha~... Sorry kid... I did like you... You had balls and you knew how to use them... Too bad you got greedy...

Heisenberg turned away from the unmoving steel sphere turned casket, he retrieved his hat and his hammer whistling to himself.

Heisenberg: Take me home... Country roads... To the place, I belong~ West Virginia-


Heisenberg froze, he turned to look at the sphere which seemed to shake lightly then fall still again.

Heisenberg: Just coming to rest in the cold air... That's far too much metal pressure for even Alcina to hand...


Heisenberg jumped back as the giant 2.5-Ton metal boulder seemed to jump a near 5-inches off the ground.

Heisenberg: No fuckin' way... Not happening kiddo!

Heisenberg marched forwards, hammer held high ready to golf that ball into the incinerator before Y/n could pry himself out.

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