2 Bloopers 6

1 1 0

NatTheRat96: I organized the fragments so far (including the Redemption Round Chapters) it's a total of 22822 words.

NatTheRat96: Scratch that, 26,031 words.

NatTheRat96: Despite this, we're barely reaching a quarter to the storyline.

NatTheRat96: So many ideas, so little time.

Brandon: We got lots of time... ⌚😗



Shadow *hums softly* more plot

NatTheRat96: This is beautiful, these are beautiful, you're both beautiful.

NatTheRat96 🤩

NatTheRat96 😍

NatTheRat96 🤗

Eimy takes Mewmi to the vet.

Mewmi hisses.

NatTheRat96: Finally, my follow count came down to 99. 

NatTheRat96: My my my 99.

Penguin joined the chat 19 hours ago

NatTheRat96 joined the chat 19 hours ago 8:18 PM

NatTheRat96: Yes.

NatTheRat96: BrandonThePenguin

Penguin left this message 19 hours ago: 8:25 PM

How does Brandon imprison the Emperor? I have several methods if no specifics were in mind

1. Since Brandon is practically a technician, by a machine/contraption. This route, I was thinking the Arivex would lend a hand since they too would know about machines, I presume.

2. A weapon, tool, trinket. For example, if there was an item for the words of which the Emperor came existed to disarm/capture him came to the Colosseum, then the item or even a replica of it came into Brandon's possession,which then he'll use, with or without assistance.

3. Stealing the spotlight. Pretty much someone or some people had the power and weapons to defeat the Emperor, but failed during the process. Brandon just happened to be in the vicinity, and grabbed such object and caged the Emperor himself.

Penguin: Hi Nat

NatTheRat96: 2 or 3 most likely.

NatTheRat96 😁

NatTheRat96: Hi 👋🏻

NatTheRat96 has come to the realization that she doesn't know which is melo's insta.

NatTheRat96: "Meh, I still have the goods."

Shadow: Thank you!

Blue rants about the Crystal in front of Patricia

Shadow: "Pssst! Someone's behind you!"

Blue jumps

Blue: "Wha-?"

AquaSky: Calm down ~

Shadow: "Truth or dare?"

Blue: "Dare."


AquaSky: I dare you both to shut up for ten minutes ~

Blue: i'm hungryyyy
Shadow: same
Ripper: haaands
Suzanne trevor's eyeballs
Shadow: yay
Trevor: h e y
Suzanne: yay my prey is here
Shadow: lol you live for that moment
Suzanne: w h a t d i d i h e a r y o u s a y
Shadow: lol
Bary: heyyyyy
Blue: i'm still hungry

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