Phixa 🆚️ BOSS [Blue Riverstreak]

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As Piros peered at the platform, the phoenix hybrid stood up and approached the railing. His saddened amber eyes were reminded of the image of his friend suffocating from the smoke and flickering embers of his indignation. Indignation that turned to remorse as he registered when Herring fell into the water.

The Velociraptor separated from her squad to follow her opponent to the opposing side of the railing. Piros had spotted Herring leaving with Haeji, and Ratu had also exited the area seconds later.

Phixa entered into the Redemption Round.

This is my chance to prove that I'm just as strong as a full-blooded Phoenix. Phixa thought to herself.

Then entered Blue, ready to unleash her fire. She sauntered in as if she owned the place, eyeing it all through slitted yellow eyes.

"Who are you? You're not one of the defeated combatants." Phixa mentioned, watching her opponent while Blue laid a foot, glancing at the phoenix hybrid condescendingly.

"I would never," she said in a tone that was like a book rich with information. 

This time it indicated overpowering disdain and a smidge of entertainment at her opponent's figure.

None of that helped Phixa's confidence at all.

In the stands, Shadow flaunted her filched binoculars. She knew it was a mere piece of plastic, which only cost ❦︎3. She wouldn't have wasted her money on it except that only Suzanne had heard of it.

Luckily nobody understood her lingo for it's just a normal thing.

"The item is plainly not motorized nor a particularly mesmerizing phenomena, in which case I would follow up with signs of increased interest," Suzanne informed.

"What is that?" Indy was curious. 

Shadow focused it on Blue. "It's a sort of advanced technology ˡⁱᵉ," she lied glibly. "It makes what you look at bigger. And it doesn't hurt your eyes like a phone ᵗʳᵘᵗʰ. And you can control the zoom ˡⁱᵉ." This cheap plastic could not be controlled much. It was blue with GO BLUE written in white. She’d paid with fake currency. I wonder how long it’ll take before they figure it out. Anyway, she’d assumed the form of Chris, having stolen a shapeshifting machine from Suzanne.

"Wow!" exclaimed Indy. Then, apprehensively, "How much?"

More lies. "It was ♥︎4. Really expensive."

"WHOA!" said Indy. Even Ripper had heard, awoken from his fixation on Blue's performance (and secretly the Squad's reputation if Blue lost). 

Actually in the entire time at the Colosseum Shadow had spent ♥︎3, less than the claimed price for the binoculars.

"How're you gonna earn it back?" wondered Bary, adjusting her green pie-sized glasses. 

"I mean," she shifted into Suzanne mode, "you may be able to sell motorized rotundae or perhaps, document cases which are more economical for the buyer -"

"Nah," Shadow said, "Imma have a Hand Stand. Selling hands. Ya know."

Now the two competitors were in the center. 

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