Life Gem Fairy Tail

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[Once upon a time, there was a boy named Eason who lived with his big family. There was his mother, his father, three older brothers, two older sisters, himself, one younger sister, and twin baby brothers. Though their father was mostly gone for most of the day, the children knew why and were patient about it. The mother was grateful to have such mature and understanding children. When the mother was too tired, the children took care of themselves. The older brothers took charge of the kitchen and cleaning, while the older sisters watched over the younger sibling, though they didn’t really need to be watched since they were well-behaved. The father was grateful to have such diligent and caring children.
    Several years later, their father returned with a beautiful gem which he said was magical. He told the children that if he came home late or that he had to be gone for a couple of days, they can use the gem to see him, anywhere, anytime. The older siblings laughed in disbelief while the younger ones gasped in awe. Their father gave Eason the gem since he was the middle child who did not have a lot of responsibilities.
    One day, their father told them that he would be away for a while, more than a day. They simply nodded and accepted his words. They did not worry much for they knew, and their father knew that they could use the gem to see him whenever they wanted. So, their father left without hesitation, promising to return as soon as possible.
    A couple of days passed, and still their father did not return. The younger siblings became agitated. Their mother couldn’t keep them comfortable for much longer. They went up to Eason and asked him to use the gem to look for their father. The older sisters diverted their attention from the subject by taking them out to play. The older brothers laughed at the belief of the gem’s power. Eason felt heavy hearted from the fact that it could be true. The gem does not work, for he had tried to see their father a day after he had gone.
    The next day came with an early sun.
    Eason went to get the gem, but it was missing. Then, cheerful squeals were heard. He and the others rushed to the noise. The younger siblings were jumping and yelling in joy that they could see their father in the gem. Eason slithered past the other to the gem. His eyes widened at the sight. He didn’t know if he was dreaming. He was sure the gem didn’t work. But at the same time, he was happy to see their father.
    In the gem, their father seemed lost, scouring through the forest. His face showed distress. Then, his image disappeared. Everyone gathered closer to watch. Their father reappeared. This time he seemed relaxed. He was walking towards something. Light was glowing upon his face. A smile formed. And that smile warmed everyone.
    Their mother took the gem away. Their eyes followed the gem. She told them that was enough. Since they were up, they can start on their morning duties.
    That night when everyone was asleep, their mother had a visitor. The visitor had news for her. Once the news was delivered, the mother dragged her body back to her room.
A little later, the youngest daughter, Clarissa snuck out of bed to get the gem. Eason woke from the creaking wood of her footsteps. Catching her, they ended up hearing their mother crying. They pressed their ears against the door to hear better. Nothing, but crying. Just as Clarissa was about to reach for the doorknob, Eason grabbed her hand and pulled her back to her room. Eason told her not to mention this night to anyone unless their mother told them first. Clarissa hesitantly agreed.
    Several years passed. And their father still did not return. The twin brothers seemed to have forgotten about their father. The older siblings were either married to other families or started working in the capitol far from their home. Eason and Clarissa continued to look after the remaining family. 
    Now, their mother was frail. She spent most of her days on her bed, or doing light chores. 
With so many years that passed with their mother’s silence of that night, Clarissa couldn’t hold in the promise anymore. While the twins and Eason were in the yard playing, she went to her mother who was in the bed, and asked her about it.
Shocked, her mother stuttered her words.
Clarissa bit her lips at the news. She had a feeling that would be the case a few years back, but shoved it in the back of her mind. Being older, she couldn’t hold it against her mother for keeping such news. It felt like a burden to keep that night from everyone else. It must have been their mother. With no further questions, she thanked her mother and left. 
She met Eason near the door. Eason told her that he also had that feeling as well. He then told her what he believed to be the true nature of the gem. It doesn’t simply show us the people we love. It showed us the people we loved who had passed. That day when they were able to see father in the gem was most likely the day he passed. Tears welled in Clarissa’s eyes as she scuttled away to find the gem. Eason followed slowly behind.
When she got the gem, she looked into it wishing to see their father. And so he appeared. He seemed happy. He hadn’t aged a day since then. Tears streamed down her face. Eason wrapped his arm around her for a hug. He fought to hold back his forming tears.
Suddenly, the gem illuminated, blinding them. When the light subsided, and they were able to open their eyes, they saw their father standing in front of them, or what seemed to be their father. He was white and fog-like. He smiled and opened his arms. Clarissa rushed to him, only to trip and pass through him. She cried, saying it was unfair. Eason walked up to their father. His eyes shook as he looked at his father from head to toe. He extended his hand to touch his father’s hand. It was like touchy cold air. A tear broke from his eye.When it streamed down his face and dropped from his chin, he finally said that he missed him. Their father smiled sadly. He then turned to face both of them. Clarissa, now, sat with her knees to her chest, staring up at their father. He spoke, or rather, mouthed his words, “I am sorry, and farewell.” With those words, he vanished. Clarissa and Eason stayed in silence and in tears. 
Then, they heard their mother. She stood at the entrance of the room, crying at the glimpse of her vanishing husband. Clarissa and Eason went to her and they all cried together.
That night everyone was happy. They got their last goodbyes they didn’t realize they needed.]

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