Chris 🆚️ Ryan

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"Welcome back to the Redemption Round ladies and gentlemen. In this round we have two contenders." The host paused before extending her right arm, gesturing towards the silhouette. "To my right, we have a gentleman that won the hearts of many with his performance in the Arena. Give it up for the gallant Venusian dreamboat, Chris!" She announced, the spotlight showed the handsome Venusian blonde in his blue suit as he flashed a smile, the audience gave a round of applause. Some fangirls were shouting his name. A manly voice hollered, "FIGHT ME CHRIS!" Though Uiwo wouldn't be surprised that his younger muscular brother did something like that.

Oh, brother. Uiwo rolled his eyes as his suspicions were confirmed when Ximo whistled at Chris.

"To my left, we have a young summoner who fought valiantly against a skilled elf. Despite this, it didn't stop him from falling out of bounds. So he's back for another round, give it up for the contractor, Ryan!" The host enunciated as she stretched her left arm for the spotlight to hit him. Ryan raised his arm to block out the spotlight from his eyes.

The scarred sorcerer hid in plain amidst the spectators far in the back row. Violet felt a dark presence nearby, as her amethyst eyes darted, as if she sensed an ominous shadow lurked around the corner. Then the Morean Maiden saw them look at each other, just as she had foreseen in her vision.

Ryan looked at Chris. He had a vague memory of who the blond was. Teleportation…? Or was it invisibility? Chris’s battle was a blur to Ryan. If anything, Ryan believed he was overthinking things. He was getting more nervous than when had fought against any of the deities or even against Prometheus. Ryan scoffed at his own thought. Nervous against Prometheus…? Ha! I was scared senseless.

Nonetheless, he for once felt confident. With the physical enhancement from Felin, he was ready. He couldn’t let her down, now that she was able to trust him fully.

He rubbed his wrist. He began to sign a rune behind his back. Chris waited for Ryan to act first. Ryan understood what was happening. So, after a few signs, Ryan dashed towards Chris. He signed a lightning rune and spoke its name. A lightning bolt shot at Chris.

Chris, leaning against a wall he made appear, raised his hand and made a swipe motion with it. The lighting swerved and hit the wall right next to Chris's head.

Chris yawned and looked at Ryan as he said, "This is boring. Do you have any other tricks up your sleeve?"

Ryan stopped his advance. He bit down on his teeth. He signed the same runes, fling three more bolts.

Chris raised his hand, swiping it across the air and the bolts missed him by inches once again, and flew towards the sky where they collided with each other and let down let out a show of colourful lights.

This is endless. They both thought.

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