Chapter 18

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Phixa enjoyed her desert walks. They were usually peaceful and relaxing, especially during sundown. Even though she would be in a weakened state soon, the colors of the sky were just heavenly. It had a shade slightly darker than dusty blue that mixed with red, orange, and yellow to create an array of colors surrounding the Sun. The clouds were wispy like feathers with the tips slightly pink. She came to the desert everyday to say goodnight to her family and friends in Paradise and to admire its natural aesthetic. She knew they couldn't hear or see her, but it was better than nothing. She watched the Sun as it preached up on a jagged cliff hanging above the crystal like sand and scattered cacti. Each day, she savor this moment because it wasn't often that she felt at peace with herself. But with the smooth, fresh air it was hard not to— the place just took away the stress and worry.

Just as the Sun was about to finally depart, she heard heavy, unfamiliar footsteps from behind her. She turn around slowly and first saw a man with a dirty wife beater and baggy black cargo pants. His muscles were well defined, tattooed and wet with sweat. The other 10 men behind him looked similar.

He flashed his yellow teeth and said, “Well looky here fellas, we got ourselves a desert-lover. Shouldn't you be home, little girl — It's almost dinner time?”

She glanced back at the Sun and it was almost completely gone. She had to make this quick. “I already ate, I was just here to look at the sunset.”

He chuckled a little which made her feel slightly uncomfortable. “Figured much, it's beautiful. Pretty soon, people will be able to enjoy the sunset from the comfort of their homes.”

“What do you mean?”

“We're building a city here. A big lively one. We're starting at night when it's cool out here.”

“W-why? Is it overcrowded?”

“Nope, we just want a city out here. I came up with the idea and everything. I can tell you right now, it's going to be one hell of a city.”

Her brows lowered in anger. This land — this desert — had a charm that deserved to be untouched by humankind. It was a home of animals, plants, and peace. Just the thought about how they planned to steal its lands sent a rush of anger through her veins.

“No,” Phixa protested, “if a city isn't needed then there's no need to build it. Who gave you that right anyway?”

“Me, myself, and I,” The lead man scoffed. “With my power, I don't need to ask permission for anything. And judging by those flaming wings you have there, you can just fly away to a new desert.”

Her wings. Usually people were left in confusion about them, but rarely did anyone look at them normally — unless they had powers as well. Her survival instincts rushed in and she stood on her feet on guard, but she was too late. Out of nowhere, a random man with a furry body and sharp claws jumped up from what she assumed was the foot of the cliff. He grabbed her by her arm and flung her off sending Phixa crashing on the cooled sand. Pain wrapped around the arm he threw her by, but she stood back up — her body trembling. Just from the grab alone, she felt how strong he was. If the lead man had ordered him to, he could've killed her. Phixa fought down the anxiety rustling in her stomach and looked back on the cliff she was on. They were gone.

“You're probably wondering who we are,” A voice boomed from behind her, “Well I will be happy to tell you all that.”

Phixa turned around and tried to stare at the man with a mean glare, but it turned out to be an expression of distress instead. The man smirked, finding pleasure in her expression.

“We are animal sorcerors,” he said. “We specialize in spells that give us the powers of any animal we choose. We don't completely take the form of the animal but we do take on a similar appearance. I'm the leader of our little sorceror pack. You can call me Dale.”

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