Alexandra's Sketches

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Alexandra woke up from her dream, the sunlight peeking out her bedroom window. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she turned the bed sheets to the side before her feet touched the floor. She let out a yawn before she got up to start the morning.

Her sister Toni was already in the kitchen pouring orange juice on the glass. As usual, she was one step ahead of her, but she was in a really good mood to care. "Looks like you slept well last night." Toni noticed the semblance on her face, despite that Alexandra's blonde hair was toussled and messy, her green eyes beamed like fresh spring.

"I had a good dream last night." Alexandra started while Toni passed the OJ to Alex while she took a sip, "so it started out like this..."

Alexandra mentioned what had occured in the dream from meeting the other competitors to her victory on her first match.

"Sounds like you had a field day, I barely dreamt a thing last night." Toni ate her strawberry cereal as she scooped the next serving before eating another spoonful.

"It was great for the most part, though I didn't like the urge of going to the bathroom after eating teriyaki. Which is weird though." Alexandra stated.

"Those dreams are actually common, I used to dream about that too, it's usually related to feelings of not being adequate enough, not being accepted by others, or feeling insecure around others." Toni explained.

"I was also bummed out for this Piros guy, his friend set him up to fight and they got into a scuffle." Alexandra recalled how Piros and his friend were close and the next thing she knew they were at each others throats.

"That's a warning, stay away from toxic people." Toni advised her before Alexandra received a notification from one of her friends.

I sent an angel to watch over you last night but they came back. I asked them, "why?" They chuckled, "Angels don't watch over other Angels." As if she hadn't read that one before. Twenty angels are in your world, ten of them are sleeping, nine of them aren't and one is reading this message.

Speaking of friends, one of her new friends she added recently had been sending her chain messages for a while now.

The universe has seen you struggling for some days, but it's over. A blessing is coming your way. Alexandra read the rest of the message. She had to admit that the messages were endearing at first, though it gradually became daunting to say the least.

"Are those one of the new followers that you've been getting?" Toni asked in genuine curiosity.

"Yeah, I'll reply to their message later." Alexandra put down her phone to proceed eating the flapjacks with maple syrup. Then Alexandra's phone received another notification. Just when Alexandra was sbout to reach it, Tony took her phone and put it on airplane mode and put it face down.

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