Chris called

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Within Warlin's pocket dimension, two Venusians were being held prisoner, one of them torturing his tormentor, since he didn't deserve the privilege of being called a father.

Tony waited nearly his whole life for this moment, to make his father pay for all he has done. Starting with the day he killed his mother and the Venusian race along with other extinct alien species upon decades of planet hopping and hiding.

Simon was trapped, despite that the pocket dimension was spacious, nearly unlimited. He felt restrained with a collar around his neck, bound despite that the advanced accessory lacked links nor chains to keep him tied up like an angry guard dog. Though what restrained him was the blockage from using his powers, nullified that not even a snap from his fingers could unlatch the lock that was designed within the hardware of the accessory. That wasn't degrading, what was degrading was being at the mercy of his youngest son.

To be put down like a rabid dog was preferable than to be restrained by an imaginary leash, to be yanked and constricted was punishment. To restrain the oxygen, then return the air to his lungs to repeat the cycle of cutting away the air supply to prolong the torture became unbearable by the minute.

He knelt to the ground, gasping for air as his cheeks flushed in a bluish hue, then coughed as he stuck out his tongue like a dehydrated animal. Tony looked down on Simon seeing that his mouth and tongue turned from depriving him of oxygen in long intervals. Venusians could withstand extreme temperatures despite that they were candescent species. When Simon lowered his head, Tony used his mind to lift his father's head and suffocate him more. His eyes bulged  as his son glared at him, squeezing the life out of him, looks could kill if Tony chose to kill him then and there. Just when he thought he was going to die and pass out, he was healed, only to repeat the cycle.

Asphyxiation, cyanosis, reprieve, repeat.

He would've expected something juvenile, like how long a man could hold his breath underwater? How long can one inhale carbon dioxide without fainting? Or something as simple as puncturing his sternum with one hit to crush his heart with his spinal cord like an iron maiden.

"Kill me." Simon said between gasps.

Tony glanced at his father coldly. "No."

Simon was sprawled on the ground, languishing in the pocket-sized prison. Warlin being the warden, and Tony being the jailer.

Just as Simon passed out, Tony was about to heal him when his phone rang. Seeing that it was Chris calling, he accepted the call.

"Sup bro?" Tony asked as he looked at Simon.

"I tried calling you for a while now, are you alright?" Chris asked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Got lost is all." Tony replied.

"María is also worried about you." Chris added.

"Is that so?" Tony joked, "Relax, I'll be at the cabin in a minute. Ok, good luck with your match then." He then hung up and looked at his father once more before he turned away and teleported out.

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