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Rosé's POV

I heard shouting coming from Jennie's room. They are arguing again. But why?

Jisoo: why are they fighting?

She looked at me worriedly.

Rosé: let me check and tell me if the doctor come?

She nods. I quickly go to her room. I'm really pissed off about this whole situation and now they are fighting.

Lisa: stop being a slut!

My eyes widen as I saw Lisa calling Jennie names and Jennie is crying.

Rosé: what the hell are you two doing!?

Both of them startled. Lisa looked away looking really angry. While Jennie unnie keep on sobbing.

Rosé: do you two really need to fight at this situation!?

I am beyond furious.

Lisa: she is the one being a slut.

Jennie: please stop it Lisa!

I harshly pushed Lisa.

Rosé: will you shut up or not!?

Lisa: no I will not! She is trying ruin Jisoo and Jenison's relationship! She is done with me and now she is going to in between the--

I gasped when Jennie slapped Lisa hard.


Me and Lisa both get shocked to hear this.

Rosé: w-what? Have you gone out of your mine unnie!? What if they hear you!?

Jisoo: Jennie...

My throat went dry when we all saw Jisoo standing in the door way with an unreadable expression.

Jennie: C-chu.. when did you--

Jisoo: repeat it that you just said.

Her voice is calm and cold. Lisa hold my hand tightly.

Lisa: unnie.. she didn't said anything. We should check on Jenison.

Lisa pulled me out of the room. I squeezed Jisoo's shoulder.

Rosé: at least listen to her before venting your anger.

With that I walked away with Lisa, leaving both of the Kim's alone.

Jisoo's POV

I am still in shock. How can Jennie say that? I know she hates Jenison but that doesn't mean she will put blame on her like this. And why drug dealer? She can call her something else also. So many questions are going on my mind.

Jennie: chu I'm telling the truth.

Jisoo: and what is the truth!? That she is a drug dealer!

Jennie: yes..

Jisoo: why are you doing this Jennie? I thought you are my friend--

Jennie: I'm am your friend Jisoo! That's why I hired a privet investigator.

I glared at her.

Jisoo: you are fucking crazy! I dunno what's your reason to do this, but I'm not gonna tolerate this!

I can't take her words anymore. I turned to leave her room, but she hold my hand.

Jennie: Jisoo please trust me. I'm telling the truth! I also have evidences.

I looked at her surpised. She nods, pulling me to her bed, then take out some pictures.

Jennie: here see these.

She handed me the pictures. I hesitantly looked through the pictures and I get shocked to see that a girl look like Jenison dealing drugs. I don't want to believe it's her but I can't deny it. My heart clenched painfully. How can she do it?

Jennie: if you still don't believe it then here watch this video.

She give me her phone. I feel my eyes gets watery as I clearly see her talking to someone after the deal without mask on.

Jennie: I told you she is not a good news. Now see you are in a big mess.

I didn't said anything. I know I'm gonna face harsh Situation later. But for now I need to know who is actually is. I really did a dumb thing to fall for her without knowing about her. I clenched my fists getting angry on myself. Because of me, my whole group is gonna suffer now.

I felt a warm hand wiped my cheeks. I looked up to Jennie, who is smiling softly.

Jennie: we are always by your side Jisoo. Especially me, I can't just leave your side because I'm your bestfriend.

She pulled me in a tight hug. I myself relax in her embrace. I can hear the sound of her heartbeat which always calm me. The same addictive smell that was crazy for. Her slender hand caressing my back, and my heart, why is this beating faster? No no this can't be happen again.

I pulled away, putting on my cold expression. She stared at me with her sharp eyes.

Jisoo: I'm going to living room.

I was about to get out of her room, not before hearing,

Jennie: I'll be by your side no matter what. I regret doing that.

I slammed the door shut. Is she gone crazy!? She knows I can't take her back!

I walked in the living room to see, Jenison already awake. Lisa and Rosé are talking to her. As they see me, stopped talking.

Lisa: u-unnie...

Jisoo: I want to talk to you Jenison.

I said coldly making her look at me in surprise. I hold her hand pulling her in my room. I locked the door afterwards.

I stared at her coldly as she fidget with her fingers.

Jisoo: how are you feeling now?

Jenison: i-i am o-okay.

Her voice is shaking. I wanted to feel pity on her but she is nothing but a drug dealer, who destroy others life.

Jisoo: who are you Jenison?

This time she looked up at me clearly confused.

Jenison: w-what do you m-mean?

Jisoo: I want to know, who are you?

Jenison: I'm Jenison--

Jisoo: no... you are a drug dealer who destroyed others life.


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