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Jisoo's POV

Jenison: can you please stop chasing me!? My leg hurts!

She shouted angrily.

Jisoo: I told you I'm going to change you bandages and I'll feed you also.

I said, trying to grab her wrist but she is fast to dodge me. I groaned in frustration.

Jisoo: will you stop running? I'm tired.

Jenison: then stop chasing me.

She said sitting on the couch. I quickly sit down next to her, holding her wrists tightly.

Jenison: hmpk!

I giggled at her pouty face. So cute! I started to change her bandages. Her arms bandages are done.

Jisoo: lift your shirt up.

Jenison: WHAT!?

She looked at me with wide eyes.

Jisoo: aish! You have a bruise on your tummy. 

Jenison: i-i will do it.

She said snatching the medicine. I sighed before getting up.

Jisoo: I'm going to fix the room. Take bath when you are done. I'll give you some clothes of mine.

She just hummed in response. I pouted then go to the bedroom. She is still angry on me. I took her to the local clinic. The doctor there is my dad's friend. Well, he saw her face but didn't really recognized. Maybe because he is not interested in kpop.

I fixed the bed, then the couch. I'm going to sleep on couch. She is not comfortable sleeping in the same bed with me. I turned on my phone and it's blow up with texts and missed calls.

Jisoo: fuck! I'm doomed!

My hands started to shake as my manager called me. I took a deep breath before receiving the call.

Jisoo: h-hello op--


Jisoo: umm I'm in vacation.

I said trying to calm myself.

Manager: Vacation? You didn't said anything about it! Did you informed CEO!?

I bite my lip. Gulping in fear I replied,

Jisoo: not yet. But I'll tell her tomorrow morning.

Manager: have you gone out of your mind!!? You know how much we are worried. You didn't even bothered to text us at least! Who give you permission to go on vacation!?

He keep on shouting at me. I started to get angry also. How can he say that? I'm working non stop without taking rest. My drama shoots are over and there's no much important schedule for our group or individual.

Jisoo: oppa, stop shouting and listen to me. My drama shoots are over. I know there's no group schedule or my individual. Then why are you shouting? I'm safe and sound here. I'll call CEO in the morning. For godsake please leave me for sometime.

I said calmly then hang up without giving him any chance to speak.

I sighed running my hand through my hair.

Jenison: this is all my fault. If it's not me you were not in trouble.

I snapped my head turned towards Jenison who have a guilty expression on her face, standing at the door. I smiled, go to her then pull her in the bed.

Jisoo: why are you saying this? It's not your fault okay?

I hold her hand. I noticed her crying. I wiped her tears, pulling her closer.

Jisoo: why are you crying pabo? I'm here, I'm not gonna leave you anymore.

She hugged me tightly. Finally! I buried my face on her neck, hugging her tightly.

Jisoo: I missed you mandu. I-i was scared when I saw your uncle beating y--

Jenison: you saved me though, my knight in shining armor.

I giggled at her comment. 

Jisoo: that means you are not mad at me?

She rolled her eyes, before smiling.

Jenison: don't be too happy. You need to make it up to me.

Jisoo: I will!

Jenison: but honestly Jisoo, did you really love me because of this f--

Jisoo: no never. I love you because who you are.

I said caressing her cheek. She stared at me for sometime.

Jenison: you know what?

Jisoo: hmm?

Jenison: I fucking missed you so much.

I was shocked when she pressed her lips on mine, clutching my shirt. The sudden impact made me lay down on the bed as she is on my top, savoring my lips. I kissed back with the same passion. I put one hand on her waist and other hand on her nape, pulling her, deepening the kiss.

I changed our position, as I'm on top of her now. I bite her lip as she moaned and open her mouth I put my tongue in. Obviously I dominates her. She pulled away gasping for air. I claimed her lips again. Her lips are so tender, juicy. I'm getting addicted it. She gasped when I started to papering small kisses on her neck.

I pulled away, knowing we are both gonna turn on if we continue this and our injured body needs some sleep. It's almost 10 at night. Last night was too rough. I drove her here around 4 in the morning, from then we slept a bit then I took her to the clinic and so on.

Jenison: why did you stopped?

She said pouting. I chuckled, then kissed her forehead.

Jisoo: our body needs rest. We can continue it tomorrow. We are gonna stay together for days anyway.

I said laying down beside her, as she snuggled closer. I turn off the lights then we both fall in deep sleep.

Jennie's POV

Jisoo really left with her. Even after I told her everything, she left with that criminal. I pulled my hair in anger and frustration.

Rosé: why are you getting all frustrated?

She said sitting opposite to me.

Jennie: she is a criminal.

Rosé: but I don't think she is a bad person

Jennie: when does a criminal being good?

I stared at her sarcastically.

Rosé: maybe she have a story and that's why Jisoo unnie left with her.

Jennie: ugh! Why can't you understand that girl is nothing but trouble!

She is getting on my nerves now.

Rosé: what will you do then?

Jennie: throwing that bitch in the place where she belongs.

I glared at my own reflection on the coffee table.


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