{🥀]《The charm》[🥀} 3

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Forgetting a great friend of mine was one of the hardest things for me to do. No, he wasn’t just a great friend… He was my best friend… Maybe something more…?

Gah! Stop it, Zak! You’re thinking about him again! And it was just five minutes ago that you said you were going to forget him!” I thought to myself as I slapped myself in the face to remind myself. 

I logged off from Minecraft and I turned my PC off before stretching and heading to the bathroom after taking a new set of clothes. I desperately needed a bath. 
I entered the bathroom and stared at the mirror, I saw a reflection of myself. Honestly, I look like crap. Red, swollen eyes from all that crying with eyebags from all those episodes of insomnia. And my hair… Oh god, it was a mess

Zak, you look like shit.” I thought to myself. 

I then removed my clothing and hopped into the bathtub for a hot, steamy bath. And honestly, I really needed this. It cleared my head and made me feel relaxed after a long time. 

Once I got out of the bathtub and dried myself off, I took a look at myself in the mirror again. I looked way better than myself 15 minutes ago. Now, I have to do something about this hair…

Suddenly, I noticed something inside the sink. It was a golden charm. Being curious, I observed it closely. There were some initials at the back which read ‘Z.A.’ 

What is this? This wasn’t here before. And what’s with the initials?” I thought. 

Suddenly, the golden necklace started to glow brightly. It was so bright that I could literally blind an entire city. However, I wasn’t blinded. Instead, I was drawn to it. In my eyes, it was the most beautiful thing to ever exist. 
I then proceeded to touch it. 

Immediately, the charm stopped glowing.

As for me, I was no longer drawn to it. 

In fact, where the hell was I? This isn’t my bathroom.

Why is everything dark?

{🌺]《Flower Boy》[🌺} A Skephalo Fanfic (DISCONTINUD)Where stories live. Discover now