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The pain I was feeling was much greater than any pain I had dealt with before, so much so that I didn’t even have enough energy to scream. 

I couldn’t take it anymore. 

I slowly lost consciousness as I fell onto the floor. Soon, I was completely out. 

I woke up in a vast ocean, floating above the waves.

“So we meet again, Bad.”

It was the same boy that was in the mirror before.

“You know I control the charm, right?”


“Oh my goodness, you have a small brain…” He mumbled. “I, well, we are the only thing that can control the charm. You should have figured that out by now.”

“Are you one of the Angels and Demons?”

“You really are slow in the head. I am them, yes. I am not an Angel or a Demon. I am them all. I am the creator of this universe, you idot.”  

“So everything here is created by you?”

“Isn’t that what I just said, you idot.”

“Well yes...”

“Alright, all jokes aside. Why am I here? I already made a promise to forget about Skeppy!” 

“Damn, why are you sooooo slow in the head? You can't forget him... It will literally kill you.”

“You don’t know that!”

“God. I am the one who coded the freaking charm, idot!”

“You did what now?” 

“I said I coded the charm. And this stupid au.”

“What au?”

“Nothing. I said too much.”

“O...kay. So if you are able to code this stupid charm, can’t you make it so that I won’t literally have vines burst out of my chest and crush my body? And besides, I have already promised to forget about Skeppy, even if it kills me.”

“Dude, you are crazy…”

“Me? Crazy? You’re the one making vines burst out of people’s chest!” 

“I am not doing anything, love. Besides… you brought this upon yourself. The vines are your problem and yours alone. And only YOU can get rid of them.”

“But how?”

“It's up to you to figure that out….” After he said his last words, he disappeared. Leaving a puff of gray smoke behind.

 Shortly after he disappeared, I fell into the ocean beneath me. I tried to swim up, but something was pulling me downwards. As I slowly drowned, all I could think about was all the fun times I had with Skeppy.

And somehow, I was saved. I was pulled out of the water by someone I couldn’t identify, due to my vision being blurred as I literally almost drowned, though he looked sort of like the boy in the picture. 


Thank you Caltheboi888 and N1ght3rr0r for helping me with this chapter!
(Wordcount 437)

{🌺]《Flower Boy》[🌺} A Skephalo Fanfic (DISCONTINUD)Where stories live. Discover now