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 Going back to my room, I found my phone ringing continuously. ‘Was someone calling me?’  I picked it up to see 42 messages and 14 miss calls from skeppy. 

My muffin💎💙:
you seem sad you good?
Ansr you muffIn
you there?
whu  you not answring?

The rest of the texts were around the same, except the last one.

”Bad, I'm worried, please answer me.” 
“I am sorry if I went too far with the troll, please just answer me.” 

The troll? Is that all that he’s worried about? I laid down on my bed and stared at my phone.

 Suddenly, the charm started glowing, but not in the colour that it glowed the last time. This time, it looked sinister. Being curious, I touched it. 

It was a very bad idea 

As I touched the charm, I felt a painful shock go through my body. No, it wasn’t just a shock. It was every type of pain possible. I was feeling like I was on fire and freezing to death at the same time. Like I was being stabbed, hit by lightning, run over by a train, anything you can imagine I was feeling.  

I rolled around in my bed while screaming before I threw my phone toward the wall across the room. As soon as I threw my phone away, the pain started to subside like it was never there to begin with. Once all the pain disappeared, I let out a sigh of relief. 

Then I realised that I had thrown my phone into the wall, now it was on the floor. I was panicking, what if my phone’s screen was cracked? I did throw it pretty hard, after all. 

I hopped out of the bed and ran over to my phone, I picked it up and checked the screen. 

Oh no. 

The phone’s screen had cracked really badly. 

I groaned, knowing that fixing the screen would cost an arm and a leg.

On an unrelated note, I grew somewhat curious yet again. Why? Why did the charm start to hurt me whenever I looked at Skeppy’s messages? 

Unconsciously, I started thinking about Skeppy again. And once again, the charm started glowing. It glowed the same colour as before, but even more sinister this time. It didn’t take long for the pain to start again. 

However, this time it was a different type of pain.

My chest felt tight, as if I was being squeezed in the heart tightly. Frankly, it was like a heart attack. But different. 

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in the center of my chest and vines grew right out of it. Where did the vines come from? How long have they been in there?

Unfortunately, I had no time for questions. The pain I felt as the vines grew were much greater than any pain I have felt in the past. This pain, it felt like it could kill me. It felt like the vines were wrapping themselves around my bones, breaking them slowly.

The pain continued on as I screamed with tears flowing down, a voice could be heard in my head as I was suffering. 

‘You had your chance.’


I want to again thank my freinds N1ght3rr0r andCaltheboi888 for helping me with this chapter you both are awsome!

(Wordcount 537)

{🌺]《Flower Boy》[🌺} A Skephalo Fanfic (DISCONTINUD)Where stories live. Discover now