{🌺]《You're Free...》[🌺}

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And that’s how I learnt where Skeppy lived. 

I called myself a cab and instructed the cab driver to drive to Skeppy’s address. During the ride, I was sweating nervously. I mean, I was going to tell Skeppy how I felt after all this time, of course I’d be nervous! 

‘You can do this, Darryl.’ I thought to myself. 

The ride took about an hour because I literally came right from the airport, which was pretty far from where the address was. I did not keep track of time, though. I was a little occupied with telling myself that everything was going to be ok and that I could do this. 

When we arrived, I stood right in front of what was supposedly Skeppy’s house. I stared at the house, it looked just like any other normal house in the neighbourhood. 

I took a deep breath and mentally prepared myself for what was about to come. I opened my phone and texted Skeppy. 

My muffin💎💙:

a6d told me your address for 72 baguettes
And now it’s me, outside your door.

Oh boy, here it comes. 

Without warning, vines started to burst out of my chest. It was painful, it was hell. But I had to bear with it. 

“Bad, what are you- OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY!?” Skeppy opened up the door and yelled. Strange, he looks like Zak. Why does he look like Zak?

“We need to call you an ambulance!” Skeppy yelled nervously as he pulled out his phone and was about to dial 911 before I stopped him in his tracks. 

“Please… Hear me out…” I said weakly. Skeppy was currently in shock, but luckily, he was mentally calm enough to contain himself and listen to what I have to say. 

“I came all the way here… I needed to tell you this…” I said weakly as the vines started to wrap around my body. 

“Bad, save your energy! You can tell me later at the hospital!” Skeppy yelled. 

“No… I need to tell you now…” I replied as the vines started to crush my body, I was barely holding on. 

“No no no no no, I’m calling you an ambulance right now!” Skeppy said in a rather nervous voice. He was scared.

“I… lo-” I said before getting interrupted by the blood getting spat out of my mouth. I had forgotten that the vines were wrapped around and crushing my body from the outside. I don’t know how long I’ll last, so I have to do it now. 

“Oh my god! Bad, you’re bleeding!” Skeppy yelled in fear. 

“I… love you…” I said weakly. 

“I’ve always loved you…” I continued on.
As I kept going on about how much I loved Skeppy, I noticed a rose growing from one of the vines that were wrapped around my body. I plucked the rose from the vine with my hand and gave it to Skeppy. 

“I love you…” I said weakly as I stretched my hand out to give Skeppy the rose. 

Skeppy was speechless, as if he didn’t know what to say. I could tell that he was trying to find the right words, but he just couldn’t. 
I was devastated, knowing that I wasn’t going to last long enough to hear Skeppy’s reply. However, it was good to finally get it out of my system. I mean, I have been bottling up these feelings all this time, it was good to finally be able to release them.

I closed my eyes, ready for what was about to happen next when suddenly, the charm started glowing right in front of me and Skeppy’s eyes. It glowed a golden yellow colour, like a sun that had just fully-risen.

In the golden glow was my initials, glowing sort of like a pastel yellow colour. Nonetheless, it was a beautiful colour. Skeppy and I watched as my glowing initials started to fade away slowly. 

That could only mean one thing.

I was free. 

Once my initials had fully faded away, the vines that were crushing my body dried up and withered away. I was ecstatic, I no longer had to suffer anymore of the pain. I started losing consciousness as Skeppy was yelling at me saying ‘the ambulance is on it’s way!’ and ‘you’re gonna be alright!’. 

I was happy, knowing that Skeppy cared about me. I put up a smile of no worries as my consciousness faded. 


Oh boy this is going to be interesting..

Thank you Caltheboi888 and N1ght3rr0r for helping me with this chapter!
(Wordcount 743)

{🌺]《Flower Boy》[🌺} A Skephalo Fanfic (DISCONTINUD)Where stories live. Discover now