{🌺]《Inner Thoughts》[🌺}

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‘This is your doing.’

‘You fell in love.’

‘Hey, stop that it's not his fault.’

‘You don't understand. It is HIS fault.’

‘How would you know? You have never loved someone before!’

“Can you guys please stop? It's not helping.”

‘Shut up, kid! This is not your fight!’

‘Don’t be mean to the boy!’

‘I am mean to myself, idiot.’

‘Eh- Do you want him to suffer more than he already is?’

‘Of course...’ 

“Please stop, I don’t want to go through anymore of this!”

‘Hmm? You have no say in this.’

‘What do you mean he has no say in this!? It’s his body! Stop letting him suffer at once!’ 

‘I refuse, he brought this upon himself’ 

“Wait a minute... this is happening because I’m thinking of Skeppy, right?”


“If that’s the case, then I’ll forget about him! I’ll do whatever it takes!”


‘Oh honey, you can’t forget him. Hah! If you try, you would most definitely DIE! Don’t you get that?’

“Die? You think that’s a problem. I already feel dead with whatever I went through earlier!” 

‘Oh really now? That was nothing compared to what I went through to get here.’

‘Stellar! That's enough!’

‘You don't control me!’

‘I don't, but they do.’

‘You mean them?’

‘Who else? They are the most powerful werson of us all’

“What are you talking about? Are there more of you?”



I want to thank Caltheboi888 and N1ght3rr0r again they helpt me whit all the future chapters.

(Wordcount 240)

{🌺]《Flower Boy》[🌺} A Skephalo Fanfic (DISCONTINUD)Where stories live. Discover now